Gluten/soy free chicken feed recipe help

I am all about soy free for everyone! It is very inflammatory to the digestive system. Maybe there is an animal that lives on soy like the panda lives on bamboo but chickens aren't that animal.

Gluten however is a protein found in grains which from what I see chickens do naturally forage from dry grasses.

I do not eat gluten because I am not a chicken! (I actually went on the GAPS protocol to heal my lupus and this really works. Gluten and all grains are problematic for human digestive systems and contribute to a leaky gut which promotes many diseases that are epidemic now.)

I have no doubt diets very high in soy and any one kind of protein will affect the eggs and meat, however gluten and soy are not passed into eggs and meat in the same way as breastmilk because these are fundamentally different. Milk is essentially white blood of the mother and that is why allergens are passed to baby.

The main problem is when the chicken's primary source of protein is from soy or wheat. I like the fish meal idea. I wonder if there is bug meal out there that is nutritionally comparable? We could also argue that chickens don't naturally forage fish and sea plants either .... :)
Interesting thoughts Bantam. However, I do argue. In fact there are articles all over the net confirming soy crosses into the egg. But the most important thing here is how it affects the person with the disease. There are several in the celiac program I attend that can not eat eggs without having severe side effect, it is the same as eating gluten for them. However, when they purchase eggs raised on a gluten free diet they do not have problems with them. It is the same with milk and thus they have turned to goat milk from goats fed a gluten free diet.
According to what I have read it has to do with being apart of the autoimmune disease process.
Arguing that gluten does or does not cross into eggs is not the point. In the end it is what triggers the person with the disease.

A side of my husband's family has various degrees if autoimmune disease where some follow the same diet as you, others gluten free, others dairy and gluten free.
I feed all my animals gluten free feed including my goats. Yes they free range, I feed all scraps from the kitchen which are gluten free because we eat gluten free due to my problems with gluten. My chickens also get goats milk because my dairy goats produce large amounts. They get whey when I make cheese and buttermilk when I make butter.
His family loves visiting it is the only time they get to eat dairy and eggs. None of them have ever had a problem with anything my animals have produced. Yet they can not go to the local grocery store or down the street to someone else who raises dairy goats and chickens because the products cause a large number of problems for them.
I don't think we can be sensitive enough when we are talking about the pain someone else feels. If it is felt it is real.
I will continue to listen when others say it hurts to much because I know that pain is real.
the contact with wheat and Barley or breathing of dust for a celiac can be much the same as eating it. I am hoping to find an organic gluten free feed so my little girl can fee the chickens without gloves and a mask!
I understand that the meat and eggs wouldn't contain gluten but if allergens come through in breasrmilk I don't see why it wouldn't in eggs or meat. I would just prefer to feed them the same safe foods I feed my family. They already eat a non gmo organic feed and it's costing a lot of money

I haven't looked into the nutrient levels just tried to adapt a recipe to fit our needs

I have done lots of research and your right in thinking the gluten comes thru in the egg. Chickens do not process gluten like sheep, goats and cattle which convert it into protein, so it therefore comes through in the eggs and meat. My wife has same problems. Here in Australia we have one company that sells free range chickens carcasses via butcher shops, they are the only one she can eat and I feed our chooks a mix of cracked corn, cracked lupin, cracked beans and peas and a gluten and soy free mash we can buy from our local stockist. It's hard buit it is doable.
ok was just curious....if you research a bit more I think you will find that unlike milk the allergens dont enter the meat or eggs...I will see if I can find some studies for you... that may make you feel a bit better, and yes NON GMO feed is almost twice the cost here but if it is a concern then worth it.....mixing your own feed and getting proper nutrition for your chickens is a difficult process
Soy isoflavone (the common soy allergen) comes through in eggs from chickens who have eaten soy. In fact, it can be a concentrated dose, causing a strong reaction in folks like me who are allergic to it. Regular eggs give me a terrible reaction lasting weeks; soy-free eggs, no problem! 😺
I'm trying to come up with a gluten/soy free feed for my chickens. I'm also looking into fermenting and/or sprouting seeds but am starting here first with a recipe. Do any of you have any advice on this recipe? I altered it from a non gluten free recipe I found. Any nutrition holes I need to fill? It's still a lot of money though over $1/lb a little more than the feed I've been buying but I think getting these allergens out of the feed is important for my family to fully enjoy the eggs and meat from our chickens.

All ingredients organic

3 parts corn
6 parts milo
2 barley
1 sunflower seeds
1 millet
1 split peas
1 lentils
1 sesame seeds
1/2 flax seeds
1/2 kelp granules

Thinking about adding spelt in for some of the milo but it was a lot more expensive
The general recipe looks good! Barley is not gluten free. Is Milo sorghum? Others have posted elsewhere about good quality, good pricing livestock vitamin powders to add to feeds.. I am working on corn free, gluten free & soy free feeds. My skin gets itchy and I get congestion from the feed dust.
Thank you for your reply! I really appreciate it. Your recipe sounds great except we also have a rice allergy here. Would you recommend anything to sub for that? I'm going to look into how much it would cost for us to do it
Soaked, fermented millet is a strong possibility for good feed mixes!

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