Go on, admit it... Do you talk to your chickens?

The thing about neighbors thinking I'm crazy really hit a note: of course I regularly talk to my hens...whether they understand me or not is another thing, but I just think they like the sound of my voice and I wanted them to get used to it when they were younger. (Mostly, the neighbors can't hear me doing that...) BUT, my girls don't always stay on the IN side of their fence and sometimes I get home when it's past their bedtime...so I will occasionally walk around the yard and near the bushes talking and making little clucking sounds to see if any of them are still out and seeing if they will cluck back so I can rescue them and return them to the coop. (Since they refuse to roost, it is very hard to count them in the coop in that pile they make on the floor, so I can't tell if they are all in there or not...) Anyway, I can only imagine what the neighbors think on these nice summer evenings as I wander around the yard just after dark, clucking and bucking into the shrubbery! (I guess it doesn't matter what my neighbors think, as long as the chickens are happy...)
I talk to mine all the time. My husband thinks I'm crazy when I interpret for them.
I admit it, I talk to them all the time. They are so easy to talk to and excellent listeners. Totally non judgmental as long as I give them treats!!
I talk to all my animals and they appear to understand. When I whistle, the cats come but the chickies are much more responsive to my voice.
I was out with my dad talking about the impending rain yesterday and as soon as I replied to him, all the chickens materialized at my feet. And of course, I did have a treat for them - watermelon seeds.
My EE has a funny laugh she uses when talking to me and they all know "up", usually on my back, but at night my Brahma will step on my hand and up my arm for a cuddle and to be put in the coop.
My Australorp, Sinatra, is the most adventuresome - always doing things her way! She used to talk a lot when everything was new to her. Today it did rain and she had some things to say about that, but she was also the first one out. I guess she is explaining things to the other girls, but she also looks me in the eye with some very pointed clucks. I told her that the rain brings out the worms and slugs so they should get to hunting and she said the gate wasn't held open the way it usually is. Silly chicken! Endless Entertainment on Chick TV!!
I talk to my gals every day and they talk back. I have a conversation with Rhoda the other day about the grasshoppers that are everywhere. She said to give her and the others time and they would gladly take care of them for me. Anyone who says they do not talk to the gals are fibbing. Even hubby talks to them, especially when he wants them to go to the coop for the night. Some of the things I hear him say are: "Hey, you. You know what to do." "Don't go in that direction the coop isn't over there." "Come here, before I put you in the stew pot" (which he would never do of course.
Yes my wife and I talk to the chickens. Our conversations are much the same as ones you would have when you talk to little babies. They can't understand but I think it is soothing to them and to us. Kern
Great question that so many of us can relate to! Yes and they actually listen! They recognize my voice and come running because I give them tasty mealworms, grapes, old tomatoes etc. I love the little gals, they work hard scratching around the yard pulling weeds and eating bugs, fussing and fluffing up their feathers. Never knew they'd make such good pets, and each has a unique personality.
All the time. They "talk" to me, too. And talk, and talk, and talk. I sing to them, also.
The only time the barn is quiet is when I go in there and start singing. Even the black australorps stop bwawking.

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