Goat Thread!






I own 6 goats total. 2 recorded grade NOA Alpine does, two 50% American Alpine/50% recorded grade alpine doeling and wether and 2 American lamancha doelings!

Welcome, your goats are gorgeous! I love LaManchas! Oh, and I agree with oldhenlikesdogs, your set up looks very nice!
Just set up an appointment to see some ABGA Boers on Sunday. Probably going to reserve a doeling for this show season. Going to be at several ABGA sanctioned shows, so if anyone is around NJ PA WV area and going to an ABGA show I might see you there.
Thank you! This is only temporary due to us having to keep our animals at our family friends farm until we can buy our own farm.

I hope you find the perfect farm someday! :D
Just set up an appointment to see some ABGA Boers on Sunday. Probably going to reserve a doeling for this show season. Going to be at several ABGA sanctioned shows, so if anyone is around NJ PA WV area and going to an ABGA show I might see you there. 

Sounds cool! Bit of a drive for us though. :(
I hope you find the perfect farm someday!

Sounds cool! Bit of a drive for us though.

Haha, I get it. 4 hours for us. Ohio is closer to the more western parts of PA obviously, so while there are plenty of shows there, I wont be attending any.
How'd they sale/appointment go waddles99?

Well, we found out that we need to put the doe on a regimented feeding program to bulk her up for show, so we may not be able to get one this year, or if we do we need to figure something out.
Ahh, that makes sense. Good luck!

Thanks. Im working up the courage to ask my 4H leader if she will keep her at her farm. It would obviously be a bold move asking her, since I would be setting up another pen for her on her property and asking her to feed a certain amount of certain feeds at certain times of the day(I live 45 mins away). This is probably my only way to have a doeling though.

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