Gold laced Wyandotte pullet


In the Brooder
May 5, 2015
My slowwwww feathering Wyandotte seems to have an unusual green sheen to her feathers and elongated lacing pattern. Anyone have one like her or have seen it before? The green sheen doesn't show quite as vibrant in pictures. It you'll get the idea!
You may have a cockerel. My cockerel Cuddles started out that way and still has the uneven lacing on his wings and back. Cockerels feather slower than pullets too. The black on all my wyandottes is green in the sun, pullets and cockerel. Do you have any others the same age that you can compare this one to? My cockerel was noticeably larger, had thicker legs, uneven patterning, slow feather growth, not much of a tail, and a thicker rose comb than the ladies. Can you provide a better picture of this one's face in better lighting?
She is the only Wyandotte I have. I'll have to get a face shot in the morning- I'd be disappointed if she was a roo as she was supposedly sexed when I got her. She's also extremely sweet and gentle. My EE and Polish pullets are pushier! She is however, my slowest feathering bird, other than an ayam cemani chick that is 6 weeks old and absolutely refuses to grow up.
She is the only Wyandotte I have. I'll have to get a face shot in the morning- I'd be disappointed if she was a roo as she was supposedly sexed when I got her. She's also extremely sweet and gentle. My EE and Polish pullets are pushier! She is however, my slowest feathering bird, other than an ayam cemani chick that is 6 weeks old and absolutely refuses to grow up.
I bought 5 wyandotte pullets that were sexed at the hatchery and one turned out to be a cockerel. He is far sweeter and friendlier than the ladies. I hope for your sake that I am wrong.

She is about 10 weeks old and is my most scruffy looking bird due to the uneven feathering! The pattern of her feathers is different too, but then again I've never had a Wyandotte before so I was more curious about the green sheen- didn't think she could possibly be a he!
Small flat pink comb and small waddles so she appears to be a she. The feathering is odd. By 10 weeks she should have almost full feathering. Is she getting picked on at all or under a lot of stress? @drumstick diva what do you think?
No, she was the only one I didn't get as a day old chick, she was a couple of weeks old and has always had an odd feathering. She doesn't get picked on and is actually one of the most well liked among the birds (with each other)!

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