Golden Cuckoo Marans Eggs - WA State - The stories

What are you using to candle these eggs? I've tried and they are so dark, I can't see anything. I can see very well in the other eggs though - (white, light brown, or tinted ones.) Any advice? I'd love to know what's going on in there...its end of day 7 tonight.

edited to say: I just checked again and I did see what I think are veins in some (1/2?) of them...granted they are not clear and red looking like in the white eggs, but they do look spiderweb-like...and there was a dark little MOVING blob in 1 of them! YAY! Now if I see that in the others in 3 more days, I'll be ecstatic!

I use High Intensity Cool-Lume Egg Candling Light.
look who hatched and has fluffed all up by now!
6 baby Golden Dudkoo Marans from nivtup!
Help me tell who is a girl and who is a boy. I'm thinking 4 girls and 2 boys at this point.






They are precious. 2 had to be helped out of their shells, so they are a bit smaller and tend to flop over sometimes and not get up. But I took some dried pasty butt off of the one and hope that helps her catch up. Anyone know their sexes by looking at them?
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From the little I know, you have 2 cockerels and 4 pullets as you said. Now if only mine were that simple. I have 6 that hatched on Friday. I have one that looks like your little males, 2 that look like your little females, and 3 that look somewhere inbetween~!
I just edited my post...I discovered I had 2 of the same pic showing. I've got 1 chick who I"m not sure of; in the 1st 2 photos, its in the upper left corner of the basket. In the 3rd pic, its on the far right. Lots of smoky black, but yellow and gold on it too. The in between ones are tough to figure out, I know. The lightest one is a really aggressive chick too. He (?) comes running and pecks our hand every time we reach into the brooder box. I just grab him and hold him so hopefully he'll calm down and trust us. Maybe he's just greeting us too though. That's what they say about geese. (We're about to find out; our baby geese are being shipped today from Ideal.)
Nice pictures chickenlisa, my hatch from nivtup had some chicks that's almost silver cuckoo also, same as with Melisa's golden cuckoo, I had two looks like that.
According to Melisa (correct me if I'm wrong Melisa) the lighter color ones are roos.
My will pecks my hand too, but Melisas chicks did not show such behavier, I just think it's so cute, I love them all.
Lisa I vote 4 pullets and 2 cockerels... Congratulations!

Nvtup- love your pictures of chicks as they are growing out. I have taken lots of pics of hatchlings... and lots of grown birds but forgot how important it is to remember what they looked like growing up... I think that will help me make earlier decisions this year and then I won't have 150 free ranging birds eating my garden and flowers!

How is it going with the feathered shanks? I need to add that in.

Carol- Post a pic and let us guess!
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My vote - The two on the right in the first photo are pullets and will have good coloring.

The two in the middle, the lighter one a cockerel, should have good coloring, the "mottled" one, no guess, could go either way. Probably a pullet.

The two on the left, look to be poor on color, one pullet and one cockerel, will feather out loooking like silver cuckoos.

Then again, I could be wrong.

As far as getting feathers on the shanks, no true progress as of yet. I am growing out a batch of feathered silver cuckoos to cross in. They should be ready to play in about two months or so.

I am also going to be starting a new line later this fall that will breed true, have feathered legs, and hopefully egg colors survives well. It will be some time before we see results on this, probably two years out.

We will get these birds on track.

I will also start to play with some of the yellower chicks this summer and see what we can come up with.

I love the work you are doing with this variety - I am just about ready to get involved as well, but I am still preoccupied with my current Blue Cuckoo eggs, and just hatched my Whitmore Farms Black and Blue Coppers. I still have the Cuckoo Marans and added 4 Feather Legged Kelly Cratty line pullets to the pen. Should know egg color later this summer.
Thanks for continuing to keep this open stream of information, I so want to be a part of and have decent Golden Cuckoo Marans.

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