Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Chick 1 looks all GLW, could technically still be a mix and just got more of the GLW look. But #2 definitely looks like she has some blue in there too so prob a mix? I dont have any BLRW, so not sure what they look like when they are little.
Thanks! That is pretty much what we were thinking. As they are getting more feathers, the bottom one shows more blue, but the top is all black and reddish gold. I hope they grow up to look completely different!
I'm worried about this one... and a couple others I couldn't catch... hen or roo?

I didn't worry about getting the comb in the pic because all 9 of them look the same there

Well, I was hopeful that our free chicken would be a pullet but, at 8 weeks, I don't think there's much chance of that. I think Henny Penny is actually Henry. He is much smaller than all of the rest of our standard breeds and even smaller than our Golden Polish. Could he be a bantam?
Am I suppose to feed my roo, ( meat bird feed) even though he'll be kept for breeding ???? It seems to be the only choice out there for the guys. I don't him to get fat and lazy. lol.
She is beautiful! I would love to have a GLW, but I can't find any the age I want. I would like to have one that is already laying to put in with my other egg ladies.

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