Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My Wyandotte looked exactly like yours did. He's now 12 weeks old and growing saddle feathers and getting into all sorts of trouble. From what I understand though, Wyandottes can "bloom" early and really freak you out. Were yours sold as pullets? Surely your luck can't be that bad.
My Wyandottes were straight run, but I'd hoped out of three we would get one hen. When looking at the three of them together, one looks very "roostery" stands erect and even walks "cockily", longer tail, rooster-shaped body, larger, redder comb and wattles. The other two have red combs and wattles, but very little tail feathers and hold themselves more horizontally when walking. The two more matching hens have similar feather shading and patterns, while the other "roostery" one looks a bit different. They all play-fight with each other and the other pullets with raised hackles and I don't know if that is a rooster trait or not. I either have one cockerel and two pullets OR they are all three cockerels and two of them are just sharing traits compared to the other. Every day I try to get a good photo of the three of them together for easy comparison. I will try again later today when I get home.

Can't believe the babies are 6 weeks old already, I seem to have a set of triplets that can't tell apart so not named yet,, but three others are very different, sassafras was meeting them as they were in the pen while I cleaned the brooder / mini coop in the living room, only crystal seems to have a comb and tiny waddles turning red, while raven's are a fleshy pink , the others are flesh to black and still flat ,
hopefully we don't need a name change, lol ,

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Well, looks like we got some Golden Girls instead of SLWs, so.....


Prim and Helena!!!!

Ok, million dollar question... Do either of these girls scream Roo??? (They're 4 weeks old here.)


Beautiful! What kind is he? I don't know the abbreviations quite yet.
Thanks everyone! I got her from a breeder. So she'll reach egg laying age during the winter.... probably won't see too many from her until spring then? And, I have a beautiful BLRW cockerel as well. He's such a love, I have to keep him! What kind of chicks would I get from them do you think?
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I had three GLWs that I obtained from a local breeder at 1-day old. Two had straight combs and one had the rose or pea comb (sorry, I always forget which it is). Here are some photos. They are now living at my friend's farm since last weekend at 12-weeks old since I had too many chicks (that darn chicken math again!).

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