Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Roo or hen?











Update on my possible Tolbunt Wyandotte. Fairly certain it's a little cockerel, figures. :rolleyes: The new feathers he's developing don't have any mottling, but then again most mottled breeds (Speckled Sussex come to mind) don't seem to have much mottling during the teenager stage. I'm also possibly just holding out hope that he retains his weirdness and doesn't molt out into a "normal" Golden Laced. Either way I'll retain him and make some back crosses to Golden Laced females... see if I can replicate whatever gene he may have... be it mottling or just weird chick down.
Just curious if cockerels and pullets are different sizes from hatch. Do they develop at different rates? I've got two about 2 weeks old and one is bigger with larger wing feathers. The other seems to be developing at a slower rate.
Just curious if cockerels and pullets are different sizes from hatch. Do they develop at different rates? I've got two about 2 weeks old and one is bigger with larger wing feathers. The other seems to be developing at a slower rate.

Every time I get two of the same breed one of the outgrows the other and so I will say even pullets grow at different rates.
HI! I was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction. I love the Golden Laced Wyandotte Breed. I want to start breeding and producing show quality GLW's. I don't know where to buy any from good breeders. I have looked all over the internet and can only find hatchery chicks, from what I read it will take awhile to get the hatchery chicks to show quantity. Is there anyone that could help me out? Thank you for your time.
HI! I was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction.  I love the Golden Laced Wyandotte Breed. I want to start breeding and producing show quality GLW's.  I don't know where to buy any from good breeders. I have looked all over the internet and can only find hatchery chicks, from what I read it will take awhile to get the hatchery chicks to show quantity. Is there anyone that could help me out? Thank you for your time.

I got mine from Duane Urch in Minnesota. I'm sure he still breeds them, it's been a few years since I got my chicks from him. I think you can google him to get his phone number, be patient as he is a very busy man but he does have beautiful birds.
Found this tiny egg yesterday and I was thinking it came from my 17 week old GLW. Wow so tiny round and speckled. I have two GLW, two White Leghorns and two Easter Eggers I bought same time. They will be 18 weeks tomorrow.





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