Good treats for baby chicks?

I hear mixed things about giving young chicks treats, but in here a lot do, my chicks will be four weeks on Monday, so this is ok to start introducing other bits? Obviously with grit which I do have.
If I put my chicks outside every couple of days, will they get enough grit just by pecking around the ground? I want to give them a great but don’t have grit at the moment...
Ours are 3 weeks now, I've gave them live , crickets a few times, it's so funny to watch, I tryed to give them a strawberry buy they didnt seem to interested,
im going to try hard boiled egg and plain yogurt, and oat meal...
Sugar free yogurt
Mealworms either crushed for easier eating or not, it doesn’t matter really
Clover (mine loved “clover chips” which was dried clover. They wouldn’t eat it any other way!)
Veggies (NOT potato, it’s poisonous to chickens) cut up small
Hard boiled eggs or raw egg in a little container (such as a lid)
You can find chick sticks which are for chicks who peck each other or are bored, but they can still make delicious treats, there are also little squares of mealworms, seeds, and other goodies that are for adults but chicks can love them too! My chicks would do anything for them and would fly up onto my deck and search for them, and eat an entire block.

Make sure before feeding your chicks anything, you make sure it’s in fairly small pieces, and check before you feed them that they can have it. Even things that are in the same jar/mixed in with potatoes can poison your chicks. They can have sweet potato however, but not the white kind.
I consider it a treat but I give mine what I call "mush" which is just feed and water mixed and it turns to a mushy thing haha but they LOVE it! I give it to them as day olds and up, some of my older hens and roosters even like it! AS for other more treaty-treats I have never given them much else, so..happy to see all the options here!
I just did what a mom would do. She has them out digging in the dirt a couple of days after hatching. If she finds an interesting little tidbit, they eat it too. Bugs, dirt, chicken poop, weeds, grasses - they are nibbling on all of it at just a few days old. She's not peeling, coring and chopping their apples or fussing over germs on their food. So I don't either. When I kept chicks in the house, they got a clump of sod right out of the garden or yard (whichever was less frozen and easiest to dig up) plopped into their brooder. Guess I'm a baaad chicken mama!

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