Goofy Muscovy’s


5 Years
Dec 6, 2018
Here we go ,I’ve been raising ducks 9 years now mostly Kahki,Pekin and mixed offspring.So i decided to get Muscovy 2male 2 female. so all my other ducks come home like clockwork around 4:30 pm every day now the Muscovys decided every now and then they are not going to come home they just stay in the creek all night but come home in the morning.They are definitely not like the other ducks more on the wild side.
When mine were young they didn't like having to go in at night but I was persistent and now they go in every evening with out even being herded. If you don't want to lose them to a predator I'd start working on getting them home a tasty treat in a container with a lid being shaken where they can hear it . I'd shake the can and whistle they knew these 2 sounds and would start coming I'd give them incentive by tossing some mealworms close to them until I had them where I wanted them then they got their treat and I herded them inside for the night. It's a good idea to have a pen or fenced-in area at your coop so once you get them at the coop they can't take off again. It's being consistent that pays off. Muscovy are pretty independent I started out with them in 2004 but they are a wonderful breed and learn fast. Another reason to get them home is their behavior may rub off on your other ducks and next they all want to stay at the creek.
I have some stubborn ones also, they detest going to bed in their coops. They would rather stay under the house porch or under the trailer. I managed to get them all rounded up before this foul weather (no pun intended) hit, thankfully, and all safe inside. But, any night I can't get them in I worry about a predator getting them. We have many here, including a very large FISHER (a kind of big weasel).

Be persistent, it's for their own good and your piece of mind.

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