Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

I miss having the babies in the house but I don't miss the smell! Here's my little gander. He is the smallest of the goslings:

Here he is enjoying his first swim:

And here is my other gander, wishing you all a happy Easter!

And I know these aren't goslings, but I cannot resist showing off the new babies I got yesterday:\

They are Ayam Cemanis. The two roosters already look like they will be stunning. I got two pairs, so two cockerels and two pullets.

Cute goslings.

Also, I am not an expert on Cemani, but are you sure they are proper? Are they good quality. They look fairly light to me and that second one even has grey on it's throat.
Cute goslings.

Also, I am not an expert on Cemani, but are you sure they are proper? Are they good quality. They look fairly light to me and that second one even has grey on it's throat.

That's just chick fluff - still no feathers there yet. They are good quality, part of strain that was imported 20 years ago. The breeder selected for both blackness and egg production, but since they lay so few eggs (get birds from Greenfire and you're lucky if the hens lay 60 eggs a year) he selected for egg production over blackness sometimes. As a result, mine are gonna produce a lot of eggs, way more than Greenfire's will, but I'll have to cull hard at first for blackness. Of course, Greenfire doesn't really have all black birds either - if you look in the background of their pictures you'll see roosters with red combs and wattles, something that will never happen with mine. But with the strain I'm working with they sometimes hatch with light toenails or the tips of the middle toe a little yellow - it darkens over time - and so I'm going to have to select away from that. The breeder was very upfront with me about these things. Do you breed them too?
your babies are beautiful!

thank you for replying a few days ago 6 eggs were viable today was due day there is one left alive and hatching
I'm already in love with this surviving baby I'm praying nothing goes wrong with it!
my heart broke a little bit one was hatching last night and just died
Thanks very much. we have to try to help each other, it's a hard thing trying to copy nature. It's sad that we lose them, but unfortunately it happens sometimes. Hatching is hard work.
hope you get to hug your baby.

Congrats on the close to Easter bunny goslings!!!! Beautiful...
Thanks RURU 4 more due Wednesday
Well it sounds as though you have really done your research and know what you are talking about
. Just sometimes you hear off newbies who get something they think is the 'real thing' and it turn out to be terrible. Glad that isn't the case with you.

No I do not breed them, heck I can't even own them. Down here in Australia we have no were near as many breeds as the US and Cemani are most certainly not one of the few we have.lol.
I would love to breed them though
I now have 2 8 week old Chinese ganders, Jasper and Snow, 2 4 week old hatchery sexed female Africans, Peaches and Cream, and 2 3 week old Chinese goslings who haven't been named yet. I suspect that Cream is actually a gander, not a goose, and I'm seeing some of the gander signs in 1 of the little 3 week old Chinese goslings. If I am right, that means 4 ganders to 2 geese. Come breeding season that won't work! It seems luck isn't on my side. Any suggestions?

What I wanted this year was 2 trios or at least pairs, and next year get some eggs (8 said she would sell me some), hatch them get some more females so each gander has 2/3 girls each. I have white Chinese and wanted some pied and brown Chinese for color.
Woosh! I've missed a lot being busy at work. :cd

Congrats to everyone with new babies. Loving all the pics. Hope everyone else's eggs are doing well.
I turned off the incubator this morning. The Egg started dying a couple of days ago but I was in denial and was hoping I was just seeing things. The auto turner doesn't seem to be working. :( I'm going to leave it for now, I can only get shipped eggs and I'm obviously not good at goose eggs. There is a possibility I have a hen going broody. If she does I will get more and give them to her.

Still, I have 2 lovely geese...1 lovely goose and Moaning Malcom Myrtle! :lol: who has moved on from attacking a small jack russell to a big fat beagle! Someone isn't going to see their first feathers! Speaking of feathers, the tufts that are coming through on her tail and back are grey! :D

This is them today. It was really warm, I cleaned and filled up the paddling pool so naturally we sit and play in a puddle! :rolleyes:
Happy Easter to all the geese lover's on here!!!

Look what the Easter Bunny left me!
There are 5 of them but 2 are still in the incubator.

Three grey goslings. Will post the other two when dried off in the incubator..


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