Got new chicks!! Yeah!!


11 Years
May 12, 2008
Griffin, Ga
Well we found a very nice man in our town that raises chickens and goats. He was so very nice to us. He even took our giant monster rooster!!LOL. We got 10 5 day old chicks.I know some are Reds and I cant remember what the others are. Anyway one passed away last night:( I tried everything on this board to help it, even a feather duster, which it took to really well before i went to bed. This morning it had passed away. The others are very active and playing with them is like having a whole bunch of puppies crawling on you. I need to get some pictures of them and post it, maybe you all would know what kind they are. Anyway just wanted to share what a very nice man we have met and getting new babies!!

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