Granny's gone and done it again

I have three chickens. I have a Rhode Island, a Golden Comet and an Auracana. The Auracana lays greenish blue eggs, the Rhode Island lays dark brown, and the Comet, well, she doesn't really lay because she is kinda underdog of my mini flock. she gets picked on a bit.
But I love them all to pieces. I just love chickens. I almost got welsummers too. Are they good?

I love my 2 Welsummers....
They are so pretty!
Of my 8 chickens the "twins" are the most talkative.
I have no complaints.
Wow! Cool. I love them, I may get some in spring. I wish I could keep talking, but unfortunately I have to log out. I will try to be on again sometime soon though!
TTYL and thank you very much for being nice to me.

Enjoy your evening.
See ya around!
I took the kids to the park today to meet up with some school friends.
They kids all had a great time..i enjoyed chatting with the other moms UNTIL
they brought up the topic of chickens.
I almost lost my sh*t. two were telling me how each year at Easter time they love to buy their kids baby chicks.
I went crazy chicken last on them!
I know people do this each year but I had never actually met someone so dumb.
I think I convinced them to NOT do this anymore...only time will tell.

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