Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

I'll second that,

I guess they really don't even take into consideration that the most popular chicken hatcher in the whole country is residing right there in Phoenix, he really got them some great plugs and free recognization here a while back with his NYD hatch and Easter hatch-along. jheesh oh the humanity (humiliation) of it all,

Its crazy, I know there are laws but really the chickens are confined to YOUR property and the city is allowed to tell you what to do with what you have. I am so sorry....... I couldn't imaine having to do such a thing. I feel that "we" the chicken lovers are keeping something very important going. Being able to raise your own food and enjoy nature and your chickens. Is that really so much to ask?

I don't mean to ramble but gosh this really makes me fume!! My thoughts are with you during this tough time
What I wanted to say, and I know that I can't get in trouble for seconding Speckledhen. That stinks!!!
Needless to say, I'm physically ill over this.

If it's the neighbor on the east, I'm messed up because I don't have their written permission even though he told me he didn't mind.

If it's the neighbor on the north, all I have to do is get rid of the roos and keep my number of hens under 20 and keep a clean place and he can't complain.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

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