Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

How about talking to the neighbor on the east and ask if he has changed his mind? If not, then maybe you can get his written permission? What about south and west?
And if it's a new law in your area, you can be grandfathered in. Meaning you had all this setup before the law went into effect. Really would like to know the details of the letter.

I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope you can keep some layers at least.
I've been thinking of you all day.

Mahonri I read along on the first NYD hatch and laughed and read to my husband. He was glad I found a spot to talk chickens eventually. Mostly so I didn't talk his ear off about them. I read other posts of yours and other members, so when I finally signed up to the site, I felt like I knew all of you although no one knew me from Adam.

When Bill died I didn't come on much other than to post about him. Once in a while I would read threads and your's were some of them. Always interesting, always entertaining and lots of times hilarious. They helped me feel better. I've had a very bad year and when I come in here and see some of the posts and your usually followers I have to open them and read. You cheer me up. A lot of you do. I may not post, but I read.

Do these people even realize you are "THE MAHONRI???? Do they know that you organize all over the world for the biggest hatches ever? Do they realize that in the poultry world, you are a famous man? At least here on BYC. Look at how many members this site has and just think of all the people who know who you are that haven't signed up yet or maybe never will. Still I can bet that if they are on this forum even for simple information and during the months of December and January, most have seen the threads for the hatch and even if they don't remember your name, they know about you.

You've brought a lot to these forums. You're a person with ethics and morals and you help anyone who asks. You make good things and fun happen. At least you have for me.

Someone needs to figure out what can be done to help. We have numbers on our side. Is there some way someone can put something together to help and we can all give our support? This is happening to way too many people. There's already enough control over us to have to give up even the little things, although I don't concider this a little thing. I could understand if there was a nusiance, but I know that's not the problem. Usually the problem is one person who gets to change the lives of others, because they don't like what everyone else is doing.

Please let us know if we can help.
You may not know this, but your house is meant to be my house. I have coveted that place since I learned it was for sale. So, it stays on the market til Ken finds another job and we can buy it. K?
I'm so very sorry. I just saw this post. By monday?? OMG. I can free up some temp (very tight) space wouldn't be of the best conditions in N metro Phx (and I may have trucks and trailers to help out, if everybody isn't gone for the long weekend) if you need to house birds until other plans can be made.
Well I'm down to 16 hens and 3 pullet chicks. I still have the heritage BR that I got from Kathyinmo, but he is spoken for and doesn't crow so I think I'm safe for a day or two. New sod has been laid down (and we'll lay more tomorrow) where there were bare patches and both of the 4 X 10 X 6 breeder pens will be hauled away tomorrow. I'm down from 49 chickens. I'll admit it, I had too many but I practically lost it when the fellow from Heber drove off with my Icelandics and most of my marans and EEs. The fellow that got Geoffrey promised to keep the fabulous mix of Jean and Kathy and Melissa's Ameraucanas pure. The other Blue Wheaten roo went to Flagstaff with 3 wheaten hens.

If the inspector tells me it's my neighbor to the east that made the complaint, then I'll have to get rid of the remaining chickens... most of which came from my Easter Hatch and then I'll be turning my chicken coop into a large luxury dog house that has AC. Lilly should love it.

And sadly, every time their dog barks, I'll be filling out a complaint with the city and I'll be talking to the city attorneys.... and I'll find out what I have to do to make him trim his trees. If it's him, I'm afraid he'll want to put his house up for sale before I'm done with them... or maybe I'll get over this sadness and forgive. I hope I do.

The letter said the city inspector will come sometime between Tuesday and Friday. The backyard should look very nice by the end of tomorrow with everything trimmed and mowed and there won't be any roos.

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