Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

My friend Lynn had a next-door neighbor who gladly took eggs from her then kept calling animal control! She lived on two acres. I saw her written covenants. She was allowed to keep enough poultry for her family's use and even BREED poultry-it said so in writing. Now, tell me how you do that without a rooster! AND, roosters crow. Fact of life. The AC kept coming out and told her it was the noise ordinance that said her neighbor had a right to complain--and this was ONE Ameraucana rooster, just one.

I told her the same thing, to record her rooster crowing before she got rid of him. After the rooster was gone, play the recording all the time, LOUDLY. When the idiot called the authorities and they came out, she could just say, "What rooster? I don't have a rooster! See for yourself." Then eventually, animal control would write him off as a nut job and she could get another rooster.
this is something i would do

i am so sorry you are having to go thru first hatch was solo,but but my first BYC hatch- along was your first easter hatch.that was alot of fun.

you do what YOU feel comfortable doing as far as revenge because you still have to live there,we don't.But,payback is a &*^$##$ and it doesn't even have to come from you.mean people always get it, sooner or later.and trust me,it is alot more fun watching them get it and it actually has nothing to do with you.
I'm so sorry Mahonri, I'd be livid. There's gotta be something you could do!!

Speckledhen has a very good idea.

This is a situation I alays fear, you never kno hen a neighbor gets funky on you. (my double uu's aren't orking......)
I'm sorry that you're having to get rid of your chickens. Hopefully it will work out for you that you can at least keep a few layers.

I don't quite get all the "get them back" revenge suggestions and attitudes tho. Yes, it sucks but the truth of the matter is if you have close neighbors there are bound to be complaints and unfortunately if the laws and regulations aren't on your side you're going to lose.
I just happen to like music. Rooster music, LOL. I also have a weather-related headache due to the front coming through from that storm Lee today, so if I'm a bit more cantankerous than usual, that's why. Mahonri isn't the type to exact revenge of an illegal sort and I think we all know that, but if he calls the law on their violations, it's only fitting.

The best thing to do is look for a place to live so you can live the way you want to live. That's what I'd do.
Okay, I'm petty. So, sue me.
I'm human, just like I know you are. And was also trying to interject a bit of humor into the situation, but obviously, that was lost on some folks.

I'm posting as a member here, not a moderator, in case anyone has any ideas.
How very sad for you.
It really makes me wonder how people have so much time to mind their neighbors' business and none to mind their own.
I hope you are able to keep the remainder of your birds.

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