Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

This is kind of scary. Just which city department contracted you? I have had both the city water department people and the city cops in my backyard. They both ignored the chickens, but the guy from the water department thought my turnips were weeds. He didn't know what beets were either.

Maybe it is just time to move on. But since you have your practice here, that may be impossible.

I see a lot of properties for sale in the Sunburst Farms area, but selling your current home in this market is probably impossible.

I wish you luck, and please let us know what happens when the inspector reappears.

I got it! A sense of humor is important. It keeps us out of belltowers.
The town rules are just so inconsistent and unjust. I live in a suburban neighborhood on an acre and I can only have 8 chickens and no rooster (I have 15 and a rooster) but I can have 3 horses but can't have 1 pygmy goat. People in New York City can have chickens and roosters. So go figure.

I say fight town hall. There's someone in my town who has chickens and her son fought and that's why we can have them while other towns around us can't. I could find out what he did and how he succeeded if you would like?
Heres what I thought of when he said it might have been the neighbor to the East


Maybe one of those Haboobs will come thru and drop your hen-house
right on top of the wicked neighbor to the east, (place a take that smiley right here).


There I fixed my mess from earlier today I'll just blame it on low sugar, yeah that's the ticket i hadn't eaten breakfast yet on a so forth
I would like to remind everyone that is suggesting relocation. He initially stated he cannot move. I understand that, because he is a dentist and has a practice locally, and that is his family's only source of income.

Relocating would be very hard for him, especially in this economy. Just support the man and keep on making suggestions for humorous revenge. I enjoy reading that!!!
Just want you all to know how much I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers.

Everything is as ready for the inspector as it can be.

If the remaining 20 hens have to go, I won't be a happy camper. There aren't any crowing roos so hopefully we'll be OK, unless of course the inspector has no heart.

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