Guinea pigs as meat

While in Cusco in 2009 I tried Cuy or Guinea Pig and it was ok. I respect the Peruvian Culture but I'm not eating it again. I prefer the Tamarind Pisco Sour
You know, in the bible we were only meant to eat animals will split hooves, cows, pigs etc
You need to brush up on what the Old Testament says. It says to eat only animals that have “cloven hooves” and “chew the cud.” So pigs are not allowed since they don't chew cud. You don't mention birds or fish, but these are animals and many were allowed as well.

This is generally the rules followed by kosher Jewish households and probably some Orthodox Christians as well. I have not heard of most Christian denominations following this much, though, since Christ and the New Testament seemed to care more about one's soul. Good thing, too, because the world is a big place and lots of different ecosystems and biomes with diverse people eating the diverse sources of protein available, such as Guinea pigs or rabbit!
That's OK. According to Odin we're all supposed to drink heavily every day and die in battle. Pretty sure I'd dislike that the same as not having unique food options. Good thing it's an optional choice for anyone to pursue either. :3

I've been interested in guniea pigs for food. Anyone have a personal experience with the meat where thy can describe the flavor?
You need to brush up on what the Old Testament says.  It says to eat only animals that have “cloven hooves” and “chew the cud.”  So pigs are not allowed since they don't chew cud.  You don't mention birds or fish, but these are animals and many were allowed as well.

This is generally the rules followed by kosher Jewish households and probably some Orthodox Christians as well.  I have not heard of most Christian denominations following this much, though, since Christ and the New Testament seemed to care more about one's soul.  Good thing, too, because the world is a big place and lots of different ecosystems and biomes with diverse people eating the diverse sources of protein available, such as Guinea pigs or rabbit!

Only fish with scales is acceptable. No scavengers including fish without scales, shrimp, lobster, etc.
so here is my list of current GPs...
keywords here... abby = swirly fur... American = smooth short fur... longhair = has longhair... teddy = a shorthair type that is rough bristly fur...

main red american (from leon)
white/platinum agouti American (red x tri sow son)
red/white abby (red x himi sow son)

himi abby
longhair (tryin to rehome her)
tri American (from leon)
abby-teddy (new, proven mom, currently in with red boar)
cream abby (new, proven mom, currently in with red boar)

young sows: (all will be first breedings before end of the year)
cinnamon agouti American (red x silver agouti sow daughter)
red/black/white American (red x tri sow daughter)
lil himi abby (red x himi sow daughter)
red/white abby (new, traded for)
"black" agouti American (new, traded for, looks black but really dark agouti will get lighter with age)
red/white/red agouti abby (brother of boar I butchered x tri sow daughter)
white/cream/lemon agouti abby (brother of boar I butchered x tri sow daughter)
silver agouti/white American (brother of boar I butchered x tri sow daughter)

the red boar is still going to be my main boar. he is staying until he breeds so much that he is bred all the sows several times. so as long as I get a new sow and have a spot for him he is staying around.

his son, the white/platinum agouti is to be the next main breeder.

the red/white abby boar will be bred to the himi sow (his aunt) and the red/white abby sow when she is old enough and then i'm gonna sell/trade/eat him.

oh and i'm trading the two boars from tri sows last litter for two sows. roan carrier abby and an abby. both bred to a nice roan abby boar.
in the pet/show world roans are awesome so I might be able to sell off nice roan young ones for good prices if there are any show worthy ones. the boar they are bred to is a grand champion from Canada :)

i'm gonna have to separate out into different pens soon for splitting the boars into breeding groups of what sows I want with them... so I need to make into three breeding pens and one growout pen. and still leave me the "huge bucket-tote" for young boars... *shew* how am I gonna do that?! x.x

just wrote out probable breedings and dates for up until December! woohoo! gonna end up with 15 sows and 3 boars by the time all the current keepers are old enough! that'll be just the breeders! woot!
and counting out and writing down approximate due dates they stretch on until 2/6/14
how's that for planning ahead?
if i kept goin like this i bet i could imaginarily expand my herd with most likely breedings and keepers for years ahead!

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