HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

Bitter and sweet hatch. 48 of 56 made it but we had health problems for the first time ever. 6 chicks from eggs by another breeder have foot issues where they are turned in like club-foot or pigeon toed, and 1 has splay leg. One of mine has scissor beak. I'm going to give them all a shot and see if they can eat and drink but we're sad for the little ones. The ones who are healthy are doing well, we just transferred them to a 2ft x 4ft indoor brooder. Quail TV in the master bathroom.
Congrats on a good hatch. Sorry about the feet and beak issues. Quail TV!

Hello everyone. I've been offline for a while; had my final exams for college, and preparations for Hurricane Matthew. Well, I have good news. The storm passed by my area of Florida with very little damage and only lost power for about 5 minutes.

Had a hen go broody a week or so before the storm was to come through. So, I gave her six ducklings (3 khaki campbell, 3 muscovy). She and her brood weathered the storm in the house.

Also, DS's FFA chicks hatched in the midst of the storm. And some are still hatching.
Current numbers:
2 Millie Fleur d'Uccle set and hatched
7 Salmon Faverolle set, 4 hatched, 1 pipped, 2 questionable
Glad you made it through the storm fine. Congrats on the hatch, good luck with the rest!

Hi all! Joining in on the halloween hatch a long, got some silver laced wyandottes and olive eggers in the mail today, will be set tomorrow. They are going to be due for the weekend right before halloween
Welcome, glad you are joining us. Good luck with your hatch.

Quote: Cute

I candled my Fawn and White Indian runner eggs yesterday- 6/6 are fertile and developing well, even thought they were bought from eBay!
Today's lockdown and I can't seem to get the humidity up. I'm not sure if it's my hygrometer as I've only been using the one that is on the incubator. The eggs have developed fine and have good looking air cells. It's read around 48% the whole time with no water in it. Today I put in water and then a sponge. Now it's reading 43%? Should I worry about it if I have water and a sponge in it or should I try to find a new hygrometer tomorrow?
oh I bet there are updates!!!!!

Quote: awesome!!

Hey y'all, I followed Mylied here to this fun Halloween hatch-a-long - Thanks Mike, Sally & BantyChooks for hosting!

Here is what I have so far:
F3 generation - 7/8th Dark Cornish crossbred. White chick with green dot is an F2 generation 50%DC 50%CX
This was my first batch after my hens stopped laying from heat and molt. My spring born pullets are just now starting to lay.
Batch#1 had a total of 7 eggs and went into the incubator on 9/10/16, I checked the unhatched eggs - 3 quit but were developed at least 16 days.
They went into the still hatcher on 9/28/16 to hatch on October 1 Hatch-A-Long and the Halloween hatch-a-long!

Next batch#2 will go into the still hatcher on 10/04/16 to hatch on 10/07/16 - had 10 eggs (2 yolkers at 1st candling) so now 8.
Next batch#3 will go into the still hatcher on 10/10/16 to hatch on 10/13/16 - had 14 eggs (1 yolker) so now 13.
Next batch#4 will go into the still hatcher on 10/16/16 to hatch on 10/19/16 - has 13 eggs.
Next batch#5 will go went into the incubator 10/04/16, then the still hatcher on 10/22/16 to hatch on 10/25/16. 10 eggs gathered so far.14 eggs in.
Next batch#6 will go into the incubator 10/10/16, the still hatcher on 10/28/16 to hatch on 10/31/16 ending hatch-a-long with Halloween chicks!

Today's chick activities: Batch#2
Got home and one hatched with several more pipping. F2 50DC/50CX

Welcome over!!! what a great project you have going!!!! Glad your with us!!!

I got 9 fluffy butts out of 15 set. Waiting on two eggs, not holding my breath....I do have a dozen duck eggs due to hatch Tuesday. My first time with ducks. They take forever to hatch, right?
yep they do internals take a while before externals and then its seems like days for external to zip!! good luck!!!! what type is the yellowish chipmunky chick? Congrats!!

Yay, 1 out of the 15 has a perfect silkie foot! Pretty sure it's a black Australorp x white silkie cross

she's staying with me, I'm dying to see what that looks like

OOOH I am getting excited, just another week and the chicks should start hatching! I will have to post some of the little videos I took yesterday of the movement inside the shells! I have 1 questionable one, it is #2, I can't tell if it stopped growing or if I just can't see the veins anymore, I see 2 much larger black sppots in the egg!~

26 eggs in the incubator. 6 possible red sexlinks from my silver Easter Egger pullets that just started laying, 6 from a 'pure' Easter Egger, 9 from my black sexlink Easter Egger hen, and 5 from a few of the Barred Rock hens, just to fill up the incubator.
lol you know its best for a full bator than half empty

Crossing fingers that my NN eggs make it here by tomorrow.
Those will be hatching pretty close to Halloween. Love em with those bow ties.
NN!! silkies? oh good luck eggies!!
Quote: x2

Just candled our incubator eggs. 25 out of 27 have embryos! Today is Day 7.

We haven't checked on the hens eggs, they should be hatching in about a week though. I think shes hiding 4 or 5 under her.
YAY!! lotta babies!!!

Can't count but at least 30 babies this morning. They were busy overnight. Only 6 when I went to bed.

ach du gut!!!! how stinking cute are they!!!!! yayyyyyy !!!!



YAY!!!!!!! TJs right? go saris!!!
There's a cute little skunky monkey in there!

I love a little skunky monkey!!! how sweet!!
Well, my eggs came. Man, I think they held the truck up with the box to change the tire. Pretty rough travel for this box..and it showed inside. I hope I get some NN's. Especially from that blue egg!
This guy packed really well too..just a rough time through the P.O.

Only took them two days to get here. Will set them tonight, and then candle tomorrow night to see if I can see any big nice dots that means they have started. :)
oh no!!!!!

You should have asked them for special packaging!! Oh the shame those poor eggies!!
sorry Cynth :(

HOWTOREQUESTANDSHIPEGGSSallySunshineWay.docx 940k .docx file
Well, the little egg that my husband was trying to help assist hatch, was born this morning and died. He had something seriously wrong with him. It was half-formed, half missing fluff/feather fluff stuff, a wing was malshaped, and though the yolk was absorbed, he had what looked like intestines on the outside of his stomach.

there was no saving him :(

I have to bleach out my incubator later today.... I'm trying to win these geese eggs on ebay, but it's up to 31 bucks for 2 eggs. LOL
Well, the little egg that my husband was trying to help assist hatch, was born this morning and died. He had something seriously wrong with him. It was half-formed, half missing fluff/feather fluff stuff, a wing was malshaped, and though the yolk was absorbed, he had what looked like intestines on the outside of his stomach.

there was no saving him :(

I have to bleach out my incubator later today.... I'm trying to win these geese eggs on ebay, but it's up to 31 bucks for 2 eggs. LOL
SO sorry!!

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