HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

First time incubator here. Loved reading all the incubating and hatching posts here, but they just weakened my resolve to wait till this spring to try my luck, but I just couldn't let my new incubators just sit empty any longer! With any luck I'll get to see some new fuzzy butts in a few (long!) weeks!
Welcome!!!!! What have you set??? no way can they sit empty!!! lol

Batch #2 hatch so far: 7 of 8

(4)F3 generation - 7/8 Dark Cornish crossbred chicks white.
(3)F2 generation(green mark) - 50DC/50CX two white/one black tux
(1) unhatched unpipped F2 generation - 50DC/50CX

awwwwwww Congrats!!!!

Bitter and sweet hatch. 48 of 56 made it but we had health problems for the first time ever. 6 chicks from eggs by another breeder have foot issues where they are turned in like club-foot or pigeon toed, and 1 has splay leg. One of mine has scissor beak. I'm going to give them all a shot and see if they can eat and drink but we're sad for the little ones. The ones who are healthy are doing well, we just transferred them to a 2ft x 4ft indoor brooder. Quail TV in the master bathroom.
oh man I am sorry about the feet issues, thats a bummer

Calling all Silkie experts!

My 10 week old! A male or female?

Thanks in advance everyone!
dunno but cute!
Hello everyone. I've been offline for a while; had my final exams for college, and preparations for Hurricane Matthew. Well, I have good news. The storm passed by my area of Florida with very little damage and only lost power for about 5 minutes.

Had a hen go broody a week or so before the storm was to come through. So, I gave her six ducklings (3 khaki campbell, 3 muscovy). She and her brood weathered the storm in the house.

Also, DS's FFA chicks hatched in the midst of the storm. And some are still hatching.
Current numbers:
2 Millie Fleur d'Uccle set and hatched
7 Salmon Faverolle set, 4 hatched, 1 pipped, 2 questionable
oh so glad everything was ok in your area!!! such cuties!!

Hi all! Joining in on the halloween hatch a long, got some silver laced wyandottes and olive eggers in the mail today, will be set tomorrow. They are going to be due for the weekend right before halloween
Welcome!!! glad your with us!!!! How did the eggs air cells show up like? all is well I hope!

Quote: Hi Mathew!!!!
I candled my Fawn and White Indian runner eggs yesterday- 6/6 are fertile and developing well, even thought they were bought from eBay!

Well, the little egg that my husband was trying to help assist hatch, was born this morning and died. He had something seriously wrong with him. It was half-formed, half missing fluff/feather fluff stuff, a wing was malshaped, and though the yolk was absorbed, he had what looked like intestines on the outside of his stomach.

there was no saving him :(

I have to bleach out my incubator later today.... I'm trying to win these geese eggs on ebay, but it's up to 31 bucks for 2 eggs. LOL
oh sweetie I am sorry, mals suck to assist I am glad he helped you with it.
Well, the little egg that my husband was trying to help assist hatch, was born this morning and died. He had something seriously wrong with him. It was half-formed, half missing fluff/feather fluff stuff, a wing was malshaped, and though the yolk was absorbed, he had what looked like intestines on the outside of his stomach.

there was no saving him :(

I have to bleach out my incubator later today.... I'm trying to win these geese eggs on ebay, but it's up to 31 bucks for 2 eggs. LOL

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. We've had a few that were malformed as well I'm so terribly sorry to hear about that little one though. It's never easy when it doesn't go right. Sending hugs.

If another chick hatches like Matthew please send it to me I want a PePe le cute!!! ;)

oh sweetie I am sorry, mals suck to assist I am glad he helped you with it.
Yeah. I'm glad I wasn't the one who found it like that. When it died on him this morning, he actually felt a little bad, he'd followed the videos to a T on how to help with the wet paper towels and everything and chipping away egg pieces a little at a time. He was up multiple times last night, working on it instead of sleeping.

He was pretty bummed when he saw the condition it was in and then it died on him.

I didn't have to look at it. I can't handle dead babies very well.
Yeah. I'm glad I wasn't the one who found it like that. When it died on him this morning, he actually felt a little bad, he'd followed the videos to a T on how to help with the wet paper towels and everything and chipping away egg pieces a little at a time. He was up multiple times last night, working on it instead of sleeping.

He was pretty bummed when he saw the condition it was in and then it died on him.

I didn't have to look at it. I can't handle dead babies very well.

I'm beginning to think that we won't help any in the future. I left my bator closed for the whole hatch and three had remained pipped for many hours after all others hatched. We moved all chicks except two that weren't dry to the brooder and helped the other three out. We only opened them enough to let them struggle to get out, making sure the membrane was softened as it had gotten brittle. All three finished hatching on their own but this morning 11 hours later they still look wet and sickly. Some chicks don't make it on their own because they probably shouldn't.

Still have mixed feelings about it because it goes against my nature to not want to help.
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I'm beginning to think that we won't help any in the future. I left my bator closed for the whole hatch and three had remained pipped for many hours after all others hatched. We moved all chicks except two that weren't dry to the brooder and helped the other three out. We only opened them enough to let them struggle to get out, making sure the membrane was softened as it had gotten brittle. All three finished hatching on their own but this morning 11 hours later they still look wet and sickly. Some chicks don't make it on their own because they probably shouldn't.

Still have mixed feelings about it because it goes against my nature to not want to help.
I probably would have let this one die, but my daughter was begging me to try to save it. So, I asked my husband because he's got a stronger stomach than I do. That, and i'm so clumsy, I was afraid I'd break the egg when trying to hold it to help it out.
First time incubator here. Loved reading all the incubating and hatching posts here, but they just weakened my resolve to wait till this spring to try my luck, but I just couldn't let my new incubators just sit empty any longer! With any luck I'll get to see some new fuzzy butts in a few (long!) weeks!
welcome!!! What did u set?

Lol so true and so freaking cute!!! Must keep us updated on that one for sure it's so unusual. :)

So sorry I know how hard that is hope they all do well. Someone else might have better advice but the ones with curled feet I would wonder if they have a vitamin deficiency.

@Sally Sunshine
Any pics of the crested barred chickie yet? Just tell me a gender. 7 more days should kick off the seramas I have left and then we'll see how this show goes.

Some eggs from our two missing EEs happened to find their way into that bator today. Whoops guess I tripped and they fell in :) I will note this was with full DH2B permission that they were put in. Then again he's in the fields and sleep deprived he'd probably say yes if I asked if I could have a giraffe.... Note to self. I must ask if I can have a giraffe. Lol
Congratulations everyone on all the hatches and good luck everyone else!!! Gunna be cold here tonight Ick.
lol keep us posted on that giraffe ;) lol

Hello everyone. I've been offline for a while; had my final exams for college, and preparations for Hurricane Matthew. Well, I have good news. The storm passed by my area of Florida with very little damage and only lost power for about 5 minutes.

Had a hen go broody a week or so before the storm was to come through. So, I gave her six ducklings (3 khaki campbell, 3 muscovy). She and her brood weathered the storm in the house.

Also, DS's FFA chicks hatched in the midst of the storm. And some are still hatching.
Current numbers:
2 Millie Fleur d'Uccle set and hatched
7 Salmon Faverolle set, 4 hatched, 1 pipped, 2 questionable
congrats and so glad the storm missed you :hugs

Hi all! Joining in on the halloween hatch a long, got some silver laced wyandottes and olive eggers in the mail today, will be set tomorrow. They are going to be due for the weekend right before halloween :weee


I candled my Fawn and White Indian runner eggs yesterday- 6/6 are fertile and developing well, even thought they were bought from eBay!


Well, the little egg that my husband was trying to help assist hatch, was born this morning and died. He had something seriously wrong with him. It was half-formed, half missing fluff/feather fluff stuff, a wing was malshaped, and though the yolk was absorbed, he had what looked like intestines on the outside of his stomach.

there was no saving him :(

I have to bleach out my incubator later today.... I'm trying to win these geese eggs on ebay, but it's up to 31 bucks for 2 eggs. LOL

So sorry :hugs glad your hubby helped

Yeah. I'm glad I wasn't the one who found it like that. When it died on him this morning, he actually felt a little bad, he'd followed the videos to a T on how to help with the wet paper towels and everything and chipping away egg pieces a little at a time. He was up multiple times last night, working on it instead of sleeping.

He was pretty bummed when he saw the condition it was in and then it died on him.

I didn't have to look at it. I can't handle dead babies very well.
:hit :hugs :hugs :hugs is your daughter ok?
I probably would have let this one die, but my daughter was begging me to try to save it. So, I asked my husband because he's got a stronger stomach than I do. That, and i'm so clumsy, I was afraid I'd break the egg when trying to hold it to help it out.

I say "we" very loosely. I have the stomach for it but not the eyes anymore. My wife is the egg surgeon. She has been successful 5 out of 6 times. The weak ones seem to be the ones that die 2-3 days after hatch.
welcome!!! What did u set?
lol keep us posted on that giraffe
congrats and so glad the storm missed you

So sorry
glad your hubby helped
is your daughter ok?
My daughter's okay. She just wants to know when the other eggs are going to hatch and when the geese eggs are coming. Due to how sensitive geese eggs are, I'm trying to buy a back up thermometer for my little incubator, to monitor the temps better.

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