Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

Well, I am calling my hatch. Three hatched yesterday, nobody else has pips. Unless some miracle happens and the two hatch tonight I will be picking up the three chicks tomorrow. Probably my worst hatch to date! Oh well! :oops:
No such thing as a worst or bad batch. Each one gives you gainful knowledge and helps tweak to eventual perfection.. Although Mother Nature is the only perfectness, we can only still try to follow in her footsteps..
No such thing as a worst or bad batch. Each one gives you gainful knowledge and helps tweak to eventual perfection.. Although Mother Nature is the only perfectness, we can only still try to follow in her footsteps..
I dunno, "mother nature" sometimes had broodies killing their own chicks :confused: dagnabbit Blackie, get yourself together!
This is how the cookie crumbled for me: woke up on Halloween to 4 beautiful silkie babies, 2 black, one yellow, one lightish grey. I am thankful to have them especially after the traumatic experience yesterday with the broody hen killing those 2 chicks that hatched first. 3 more eggs still in the bator....ill give them 3 more days to see if there are any stragglers. From 24 eggs, only getting 6 to hatch, and 4 to survive, that's a terrible percentage...but considering they were shipped and I had a murderous broody bird,....ill be happy for what I got. Happy November One everyone! Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!!!
It hatched! It had some green and white blob of goo stuck to its bottom. I’m assuming it was poo. It’s belly is all closed up and it looks good. I’m just doubting it’s a silkie. I ordered it from a breeder who only has, supposedly, paint silkies, but this chick is all pink. Oh well it’s a cutie either way View attachment 1172641
Congrats!!! odd that its pink

Temp? I thought we kept the temp the same??

Another egg pip’ed this morning and hatched on its own within 3 hoursView attachment 1173248View attachment 1173249

Wow!! Congratulations on everyone's chicks. We've had extracurricular happening and I lost a few days on the thread. LOVE seeing everyone's chickies!!! :love :clap

I never did get any eggs set. Thankfully the person I'm setting them for understood. I'm kind of happy I don't have any hatching with everything that's come up. On top of it all...I think I may have blew a disc yesterday. That's how I'm catching up today. I can't stand up straight, or lift anything so I'm trying to ice so I can move a bit. :th
:hugs be good and REST!

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So far 10 have hatched. 8 in the brooder, and two playing soccer in the bator.

I’m a little confuzzled now too because one of the chicks from my white silkie hen and white silkie rooster hatched. Parents both have black skin and baby has pink skin. Wondering if little hen wasn’t so faithful :lau

Thanks everyone! I've just stopped to ice...so I'm being VERY careful. Hubby did all my chores, finished my laundry and both him and the boy will be helping with anything I can't do...until I can. The guys are really great.:thumbsup
that is nice of them!!!

Oh my goodness y'all. There was one partially out of the egg dead. It was alive and hatching around 1pm today, now...totally gone. And one all the way out of the egg...beautiful black silkie baby. It was alive and peeping when I went to the store, came home and walked down the stairs to see the momma bird stepping on its dead lifeless body. I am so upset right now. I tried to revive it but it's gone. I took the rest if the eggs away from her and rushed them to the bator and I still hear peeping...so I hope some of them survive. This makes me really really sad and heartbroken right now.
so sorry to read this :hugs

Happy Birthday Liz! @DwayneNLiz

Here is my “Lizzie”. Her hatchmates didn’t make it, so she is with my lonely fluffy who took to the new one very well!

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:love super cute!

ROFL!!! thanks!!

Well, I am calling my hatch. Three hatched yesterday, nobody else has pips. Unless some miracle happens and the two hatch tonight I will be picking up the three chicks tomorrow. Probably my worst hatch to date! Oh well! :oops:
:hugs sorry about that!!

No such thing as a worst or bad batch. Each one gives you gainful knowledge and helps tweak to eventual perfection.. Although Mother Nature is the only perfectness, we can only still try to follow in her footsteps..

I woke up to 4 little beautiful puppies! Was hoping some quail would hatch but not so far...

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