Hamburg thread!

Very interested in keeping this breed as a free-range layer flock. Thinking of going with golden spangled or penciled because I see white plumage as attracting predators. My main questions are:

1) At what age are you typically able to sex your Hamburgs?

2) Can adult Hamburgs escape coyotes when free ranging in a wooded setting with lots of brush for cover?

If you could include what variety of Hamburg you're talking about and where you got them, that would be great.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I'll include a couple photos of my first ever Hamburg chick I just got. All I could find in my area was a blue Hamburg from a breeder called Baxter Barn in Fall City, WA. I don't expect this blue variety to be quite as active and flighty as the real thing, sadly.

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I have silver spangled Hamburgs; ordered from McMurray. I was able to sex them at a week old; the male had a very prominent comb already by then.

Answering your 2nd question.. Most likely, mine are evasion pros, very flighty and the rooster is not one to mess with; he's small but very protective ;)

I crossed some with my blue Andalusian, and here are 2 of the resulting blue chicks:


They're only a week old, but so far no sexing can be done because they lost their fast feathering trait in the cross, and the one that looks similar to yours got the single comb in the cross too, so I can't quite tell sex yet, but blue they are ;)

Good birds, they eat very little and stay pretty much hidden all day; I'm actually frustrated at them right now, as they sneak into the duck nest and lay there instead of the coop, so finding eggs may be an issue, just FYI :D
I got golden pencilled Hamburgs... And now I can't remember which hatchery I got them from. :idunno

Very pretty, very speedy. I could clearly sex when they got their adult breast feathers in. Is that two months??
Hey folks! I've had chickens for several years but this will be my first year getting Hamburgs. I'll be getting Silver Spangled in May... I was wondering, I've heard they are decent layers, but could you give me an idea of HOW decent?
Thank you!

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