Hands on hatching and help

Well 3 out of 4 of my lemon cuckoo eggs hatched last night. They were a few days early but other then that they all look very healthy. 2 hatched all on their own. One needed help after stalling during zip but it's doing really good. Overall this was a good hatch to end the season with. :)
Well 3 out of 4 of my lemon cuckoo eggs hatched last night. They were a few days early but other then that they all look very healthy. 2 hatched all on their own. One needed help after stalling during zip but it's doing really good. Overall this was a good hatch to end the season with.
These are chicken eggs and not duck eggs? And are you sure of the date? Day 1 doesn't start until 24 hours after set. I count the first 24 hours as day zero, just to keep it straight in my head. But if your temps are low, they can hatch late, but as Amy said, developmental issues can happen because of it. So just be aware and prepared. But obviously if they are still alive in there, I dont think anyone would say to toss them without trying! Good luck.
thought they may be duck egg's as well as they are quite big. The feed store i bought them from had duck's in with the chickens. Other people told me that duck egg's are not this color, but i wonder if maybe they could be
I got home from camping from day 14-18 of my eggs' incubatation. It's great! Husband took good care of them and I am back just in time for the excitement of the final candle and lockdown. Lol
Most are bantam crosses that may start popping like popcorn this weekend. Why DO bantams hatch so early?
I took my little cross beak and her companion camping with my daughter and I. They had a blast but got very spoiled in 4 days.
These are chicken eggs and not duck eggs? And are you sure of the date? Day 1 doesn't start until 24 hours after set. I count the first 24 hours as day zero, just to keep it straight in my head. But if your temps are low, they can hatch late, but as Amy said, developmental issues can happen because of it. So just be aware and prepared. But obviously if they are still alive in there, I dont think anyone would say to toss them without trying! Good luck.
I got home from camping from day 14-18 of my eggs' incubatation. It's great! Husband took good care of them and I am back just in time for the excitement of the final candle and lockdown. Lol
Most are bantam crosses that may start popping like popcorn this weekend. Why DO bantams hatch so early?
I took my little cross beak and her companion camping with my daughter and I. They had a blast but got very spoiled in 4 days.

That sounds like a blast!

thought they may be duck egg's as well as they are quite big. The feed store i bought them from had duck's in with the chickens. Other people told me that duck egg's are not this color, but i wonder if maybe they could be

Are they a little speckled? Any possibility of them being turkey eggs? Turkeys and ducks incubate for 28 days, so either of those would make more sense.

Have you candled them? If so, how do they look? Air cells good? Growth rate good? Also, what kind of incubator are you using and how have temps/humidity been throughout the process?
That sounds like a blast!  

Are they a little speckled?  Any possibility of them being turkey eggs?   Turkeys and ducks incubate for 28 days, so either of those would make more sense.

Have you candled them?  If so, how do they look?  Air cells good?  Growth rate good?   Also, what kind of incubator are you using and how have temps/humidity been throughout the process?
One is speckled. In the beggining temps may have been a bit low but now both temp and humid levels are good. Air sac looks good as well. I started counting on the day i set them so definetly off on the hatch day. I lost some chicks in their egg's and they were at very different stages of development so maybe these egg's are just not ready yet?
They all floated and wiggled
That's a sign of life.

Yes here we have advocates that can help. I've been considering talking to one to get some help knowing what my rights are. I've had discussions with the principal telling him I don't feel like the disipline methods they are using are effective with my son. I'm open to other options or suggestions that work for them but he wont even work with me. It's so frustrating..
I really believe ieps can be your best friend. My issue is devlin has behavioral problems with these issues which is really common. I've had him in counseling for years now with no improvement. My husband and I are pretty overwhelmed right now. On one hand I love him unconditionally, on the other hand his attitude is beyond me and I don't even know how to respond anymore. Nothing seems to work and the counselors are not that helpful. I even volunteerily took a parenting class hoping it would help with these problems we are having but it was really obvious stuff. More for like negligent parents. I know not to leave my baby unattended etc...
Sounds like my nieces daughter. She's been diagnosed with a couple different things. She has an IEP, but they really need to redo it.

You're absolutely right in what you say - couldn't have said it better myself! I helped two chicks when their mum abandoned the eggs to concentrate on a chick that had hatched 4 days previously. The eggs and chicks had gone cold, not even pipped, but were chirping away. The membrane had got really dry and thick and they had no egg tooth, so would have died. They were both fine after a few hours of sleep and warmth and grew to be beautiful healthy chickens.

I couldn't stand by and let something die if I could do anything to help. I think the 'hands off, let nature take its course' attitude is right - up to a point, but as you say, if many animals and humans weren't given the assistance they need during difficult births then there would be so many needless deaths! What's the difference with helping a chick out of an egg?
Plus, you have to figure that we are not nature. Some of the problems these birds have are because of our incubation methods not because they are just weak chicks. We put them in positions that they might not face under a broody in nature.

These are chicken eggs and not duck eggs? And are you sure of the date? Day 1 doesn't start until 24 hours after set. I count the first 24 hours as day zero, just to keep it straight in my head. But if your temps are low, they can hatch late, but as Amy said, developmental issues can happen because of it. So just be aware and prepared. But obviously if they are still alive in there, I dont think anyone would say to toss them without trying! Good luck.
Well, I don't know if I'd some anyone....lol There are those that only give them until the end f day 22 and then pull the plug.
Seriously though, even with the risks of developmental issues I don't think I could knowingly toss an egg that still had a live chick in it. And I couldn't toss an egg without checking first.

That's a great idea about the toys! I never thought of that! He has to have something in his mouth, especially when on the computer or an electronic device. He chews up all the collars on his shirts, he'll chew on paper, plastic, anything. I brought him to his doctor for it and she ran a test for a genetic disease called MTHFR and it actually came back positive, with a gene from me and his dad. It can lead to low weight gain, delayed speech, behavioral problems. We started the supplements for it and he put on 10lbs. He hadn't gained weight, only height in a year. So it's helping but not with the chewing. I'm totally ordering one of those toys because he always gets in trouble for the chewing.
I had one like that but it didn't develop. I would keep an eye on that egg. Especially in lockdown. I would candle 2 x day to look for an internal pip into the air cell. The chick may need assistance if it makes it that far.
The only way putting a safety hole into the air sac would help is if they were internally pipped but not progressing. I would just candle with a light and wait. We're these shipped or local?
The autism sites have different "oral toys" for children to chew. That's my son. It's mostly when he's sitting at the pc or watching tv. He seldom actually sits and watches tv though. He has to be up and moving doing something.

I got home from camping from day 14-18 of my eggs' incubatation. It's great! Husband took good care of them and I am back just in time for the excitement of the final candle and lockdown. Lol
Most are bantam crosses that may start popping like popcorn this weekend. Why DO bantams hatch so early?
I took my little cross beak and her companion camping with my daughter and I. They had a blast but got very spoiled in 4 days.
The smaller sized eggs sometimes develop faster. Not always, but it's not unusual.

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