Hardware Cloth Vs. Chicken Wire

It really depends on how determined and hungry the predator is. I've seen people use chicken wire and not have issues but once a a raccoon decided to try it was no match.
I'm very glad you haven't had issues at this point, but please don't take that as it being an assurance nothing can happen in the future.
And i wasn’t lol. I’ve heard mix things about it. Some people use chicken wire for many years and never had a problem with predators.
And i wasn’t lol. I’ve heard mix things about it. Some people use chicken wire for many years and never had a problem with predators.
And you may never. Hopefully that would be the case.
I was just making sure you weren't looking for assurances that nothing would happen to your chickens because nothing had yet. 🤷‍♀️
CW is basically the same gauge as HC, the key difference being that HC is welded- just compare cloth to CW and look at the individual holes. Chicken wire is just sort of twisted together. Certain animals can easily open up a hole in chicken wire without even breaking it. I've seen a burly racoon hulk out and open up a large hole in chicken wire. That's why people say it's made to keep chickens in, not to keep other animals out.
I actually used plastic mesh for the first year. 😬. Then I let the flock free range for the next 4 years (w occasional losses.) After several successive hawk attacks, that was it. No one even wanted to free range any more. The run was beefed up, enlarged, and covered.
Another option might be to have a LGD, a guardian dog.….
I’m building now and have already purchased 19 gauge - 1/2” HC For all sides (and top) of my run. I did this because I agree with the previous poster who said ( when using Chicken Wire ) ~ “it’s not IF, but WHEN”.

Chicken wire comes in many gauges, but the most common is 22. That and the fact that it is only twisted and has large openings is its main downfall.
I’ve heard that, but really how often do you see a raccoon out during the day? I would understand at night, but then the chickens will be locked in
I guess I'm the exception, as my chicken set up is right next to a "critter highway" (a creek) so yes we do see raccoons out and about during the day, though mostly at sunrise/sunset. We deliberately don't let the flock out of the coop at sunrise, the auto door is set closer to when we get up because it's more likely any traveling critters would've already passed by the area at that point.
My run is covered in 1" mash chicken wire, with 2' of Hardware cloth along the bottom, and so far No problems. we have Dogs that will protect the coop from most predators. I think a lot of the time the predator will find a weak spot to get in somewhere you didn't get in nailed down good or a tie wire came loose . the one time I did have a problem with a predator it was a piece of roof tin that had came loose and the Bobcat was climbing up and pushing under the tin to get in. I liked to have never figured it out, muddy foot prints got him busted.
I’m building now and have already purchased 19 gauge - 1/2” HC For all sides (and top) of my run. I did this because I agree with the previous poster who said ( when using Chicken Wire ) ~ “it’s not IF, but WHEN”.

Chicken wire comes in many gauges, but the most common is 22. That and the fact that it is only twisted and has large openings is its main downfall.

And the larger the gauge the weaker the wire. I also purchased 19 gauge HWC, felt that spending the money (I was able to afford it, but still 😱😱😱!) was an investment in preventing the loss or injury of a chick that was depending on me for protection.

If you don't think you can afford to cover the entire structure at least put HWC 24" up from the ground and OUT, as an apron.
Some people use chicken wire for many years and never had a problem with predators.
Very true. Dad totally free ranged and some of the chickens slept in trees. We had two predator attacks, one a fox when I was probably around 9 or 10 and a dog after I left for college. Others that tried that would be wiped out the first day or two. You never know when your system will be tested.

Nothing is perfect. 2" x 4" welded wire will keep out larger predators except for bears and probably mountain lions but many smaller predators can get through it like snakes, rats, and weasels. Chicken wire will provide protection against many smaller predators but some can get through it, either tearing it or causing the connections to unwind. Hardware cloth is considered the gold standard on here but large dogs or a big male raccoon can tear hardware cloth. I lost my links to two threads on here in a computer crash that had photos to prove that. Even hardware cloth is not perfect.

Often the failure is not in the fencing material itself but where it is attached. If a critter can get hold of it and pull, your connections might fail. Corners, gates, windows, and external nests might prove to be a weak point.

As already mentioned predators can be hunting any time day or night. Like others I've seen practically all of them hunting in the middle or the day. The one that surprised me was a possum eating from my compost pile in the middle of a bright sunny day. I did not expect that. Your biggest risk is at night. Human activity makes them more cautious during the day while at night they are interrupted less and have longer to work their mischief. I have a predator resistant run for daytime and lock them in a pretty near predator proof coop at night. My coop relies on hardware cloth, my run is 2x4 welded wire with dig protection plus I have a large area surrounded with electric netting. It has worked really well for me so far but you never know when it might fail. If a hawk or eagle starts picking off the chickens the electric netting would not work.
I've seen a chihuahua run stright threw chicken wire like it wasn't even there. Yes a coon and possum will reach in chicken wire but both will easily rip it to shreds. If you are only gonna use it for a run and supervise the chickens while they are in it then it's fine. Otherwise chicken wire is only good for making it easier for things to kill chickens.

It's mating season right now for coons. Here in bit you will see momma coons get brave looking for easy meals. They will come out during the day and hunt if they have to and the easy food source is close to their den.

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