Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Harry didn't want his pic taken this morning! :p
He's so handsome! :love
Lol it's okay :)

I forget a lot too and I'm young and i never used to forget haha for me i think it's diet/being on my phone 24/7 and not using my brain hahah

Yep I have had to start doing lists and writing things down! :old

Will Charlie do some college courses for Gamekeeper or on the job training only?
It sounds like our wildlife officer positions over here. I wish him all the luck in getting the job.
He is growing up fast, the difference in the two pic's a year apart are something eh?

He is hoping to do a college course on day release whilst on a work placement. He has one more year left at school so has time left to find a course. If he can't get a work placement as an apprentice he will have to go to college full time. We do have a couple of colleges not too far away but all this depends on what grades he gets in his final GSCE exams next year. Unfortunately being academic is not something he is interested in!
Yes the pics are so different! His Dad found a memory stick the other day and took a look. It was videos of Charlie when he was about 6! Gosh he looked tiny on the videos and the change is dramatic! They sure do grow up fast.

What a goober!
I have so many photos of DD's mare with her tongue out, that girl was a sassy thing!

Not sure how he has not bitten his tongue off yet! He sure can do some crazy faces :lol:

He's so handsome! :love

Thank you Kathy, that s very kind :)

Yes! Harry is quite the looker isn't he? Almost as good looking as My Caddy :oops:
Sorry but my vote has to stay with Harry :oops:
I make lists all the time and then forget where I put them "other then some place safe"

Don't get me started on putting things in safe places! :he
Let's just say they are never to be seen again or things turn up when you have replaced them or they are not needed anymore. I keep my lists on the fridge at eye level so each time I walk past or sneak in there for something calorific they catch my eye :lol:

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