Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

Here is my silver all dried off. With two siblings
Yea I don't know either but I will leave them in the incubator to see, however I will definitely take out the blood ring ones, I don't want ANY explosions.
I am incubating them upright here is a picture of the blob:

Also I was wondering if this is what a blood ring looks like, I have about six that look this way.

I am not an expert at candling but here are my thoughts. The first one looks like it is good. Sometimes it is hard to see veins if the eggs are not white.I think that that blob is too big to be the yolk.

I would say that the second one is a blood ring but when I looked closer at the picture I think that it looks more like a vein. Blood rings are usually more washed out. When I am not sure about an egg being bad or good on day 7, I will candle that egg again on day 10. That way nothing explodes. By day 10 you should be able to tell.
Here is a picture of a blood ring.


Again, that is just what I think. You can also try asking here. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/704328/diary-notes-air-cell-detatched-shipped-eggs/16640 There are a lot of experienced hatchers there.

I love her color!!!
Mind if I join in? :) I set 16 eggs on May 16th. 3 Pogirl, 2 silkied OEGB, 7 Silkie, 4 Narragansett Turkey. I'm on day eleven and candled yesterday. Four of the chicken eggs were clear and I'm totally unsure about any of the turkey eggs. The rest look to be developing wonderfully
This is my first attempt at incubating so I'm definitely excited!
Please do! What is the incubation time for turkey anyways? love to have one someday!
Mind if I join in? :) I set 16 eggs on May 16th. 3 Pogirl, 2 silkied OEGB, 7 Silkie, 4 Narragansett Turkey. I'm on day eleven and candled yesterday. Four of the chicken eggs were clear and I'm totally unsure about any of the turkey eggs. The rest look to be developing wonderfully
This is my first attempt at incubating so I'm definitely excited!

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