Hatch-A-Long: Two Colours In Each Eye? What Will Her Babies Be....?

Thongs? (Flip-flops???) The shoes.
I grew up in Alaska, and there was a pair of "thongs" to slip on your feet as you went from the house into the garage.

I have since learned to call those things "flip flops," because that is more common in most places I have lived since (various other places in the USA. I have no idea what Alaskans call those things now, either.)
I'll candle tomorrow, as per plan. So fingers crossed!!!

:fl :fl :fl

Thongs? (Flip-flops???) The shoes.

I can remember my parents calling them thongs when I was much younger, but now everyone I know including them calls them flip-flops and a thong is a completely different thing as CluckyClucker noted. 😬

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