Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

thanks for info!

I suppose we will see how it goes. I drove up to Ideal today and picked up some bantam modern games and silkies as well to round out my first batch of chicks.

The moderns and silkies immediately went to the water and the chick feed in the feeder, within a few minutes of being placed in the brooder.

The saipans are really interesting-they dont seem to understand that food is in the feeder. The spend a lot of time pecking at the dark spots on the wall of the brooder (its an old water trough), scratching at the shavings to try and find food and then getting into little fights when they think another chick has food they dont...but they wont eat out of the feeder :) They act more like wild birds I guess? EDIT-They just found the water dish after watching the new chicks drink from it...I was starting to get a bit worried!

Its cool to see how different they in temperament from the silkies and moderns. Here is a pic of the sapian next to one of the bantam modern games. Its a bit exaggerated, as the sapian is standing up while the modern is crouched down. I think the sapians are about seven days old and the modern is only about 1-2 days. Neat birds!

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My Saipan Roo was really cool. Only thing was he was extremely rapey first thing in the morning and he even tried raping me a couple mornings. I just made sure I wasn't the first thing he saw in the morning.

He really like flirting with my leg though.

But he was never mean and got along with my other Roos even though I think he could have killed them if he wanted to.

I can't wait to get more. I really miss my boy.

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