Hatching my first KONZA!!!

Ahh well I got down to a lone sulm roo, long story, but preditors got the hens sitting and the other 3 roos were stolen. Have a hen in quarantine and a second coming so soon as I've cleared them I'll be back to a breeding trio at least . At least 3 of the 4 Gold wing sulms eggs are looking good at day 14. On the Konzas I've got the big boy - doesn't have a good comb but if going to take to sulms may not matter so much, the hens do. 2 white del colored girls are the largest - one is really big. Then there is a red. And a black with gold specked girl that is dark skinned - she crossed in with something exotic. Now Renee does have 2 trios ($60@) and two huge boys ($20@) left that I know of. I've spoken for one of the trios - but the others are up for grabs, if you can get ahold of her and get the deed done. I've been trying to get with her for 6+ weeks now. Lady is crazy nutso swamped busy. But then again, I have a trying life too (don't we all?) and things to do and plans to make.....

I have 1 lady I owe Konza eggs too but I've tried to contact her twice now that I'm getting my own pooh straightened out but haven't heard from her. Other than that, I can hatch and send chicks or ship eggs once the girls are back to laying. For those that at least have a Konza from Renee all ready, we'll do some horse/chicken trading to soften keeping this going. But if anybody can snag those remaining birds from her - try to do it! Maybe other folks that still have them scattered around can be found as well. Isn't there a lady in Pennsylvania that got a small breeding flock about the same time?
I vaguely remember that lady in PA. Vague. No details to find her.

WHen I didnt hear back from REnee for several months I put in an order for Buckeye chicks and the irony is that the day after paying for the buckeyes I heard from Renee!! LOL What a pickle. The money I had to get several trios from her was used to pay for the BUckeyes. THe buckeyes have the challenge of breeding to an SOP and I can get a fair amt of help with that. THe Konza on the other hand are without an SOP and Definitely that is less stressfull.

Hmm, I wonder if REnee still has the 3 shipping boxes I shipped to her??
9 !!! GOod number to go right into the incubator!!
Ohhhh happy day! Have had one Konza girl laying and I've been dutifully collecting her eggs. Thought the other girls had all taken a molt break. Well,,,, today I found a hidden nest with 9 eggs another hen is brooding!!! Whooot!
Oh happy day indeed. Keep us posted with pics when you can.
Oh you are humming right along!!! I find a good broodie is far better than my incubator. I do pretty good with chicken eggs but the hens hatch the turkey and muscovy eggs better than I do. Hurray for broodies!!

Checked momma muscovy this morning for food and water and she was in broodie hen mode: all puffed up with wings spread and not a duckling in site. THe muscovies are good mommas-- none have quit a nest yet. ( 6 nests this year.)
Hey you guys can you help me out with sexing please? I assumed my two Konzas were both cockerels. One has been huge from the start they other had a head spot. Now I just don't know and am afraid to hope that maybe I got a couple of pullets. Combs are flat, waddles are the same as their hatchmate's. a pullet of another breed. The smaller one that had the head spot has a little pinking but no reddening and the larger of the the two is really showing zippy in the red face dept. These two hatched on 7/2 so they are 13 weeks old. I have a Marans boy only 2 weeks older who has been crowing for about a month. They have big ol feet but their legs are proportional to their bodies...not overly thick for such big bodied birds.

They don't spar with one another but I have seen them do it with other pullets. Since they are bred to mature fairly early would I be seeing obvious rooster characteristics? I can take better photos. They were free ranging (they are terrific at it) and I lured them in with some uncooked egg rolls lol. I call the brown and gold one Reese and it is rough to get a good shot at this time of day because of her/his coloring. But here they are. What do you think? Is Magnus Maggie? How about Reese?

I included this one only b/c it shows legs VVVV

Thanks so much. If Magnus is Maggie I will be so very very happy! Reese I will take either way but it would be good to know you know?

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