Hatching my first KONZA!!!


To my way of thinking, boys or girls they have the same value. Hopefully one is a Reese Witherspoon and the other a Magnus. or Maggie and a Reese!! YOu might need to practice patience a bit longer. lol
I'm not seeing saddle feathers or a tail that says roo.......
I sure hope you are right! Thank you!


To my way of thinking, boys or girls they have the same value. Hopefully one is a Reese Witherspoon and the other a Magnus. or Maggie and a Reese!! YOu might need to practice patience a bit longer. lol
Patience is for people who...well.. for people who aren't me lol. Time will tell but 13 weeks...sheesh!
Hey all - Arielle got me thinking - which is a dangerous thang....

A number of you have expressed interest in getting chicks, eggs etc., might have a bird or three yourselves - and I want to help you keep this going. A while back I mentioned that I have a small breeding flock - moose and 4 hens, couple chicks growing out and more eggs in the bator. With all Renee has going on she's horribly unreliable even tho she's saying she is selling out everything. Well, I'm still in there trying to get with her and one of the things I was going to try to nab was another trio. Last I heard she had 2 trios plus a couple huge boys. Here's what I'm thinking...........

Buying up as many of them from her at this point and consolidating them is going to result in the most diversified flock possible to go forward with. I have the best chance of actually getting that done. I all ready have a decent base breeding flock here.

So, what I am proposing is this........

Offering advance sales at deeply discounted price! The money will be used to buy up all the birds I can from her and expand the gene pool that I can send out to you. Soooo... for a limited time here's the deal I'm offering for consideration:

Normally eggs sell for $9 EACH. I will offer (6) eggs for $20 + shipping at cost OR (3) day old chicks for $30+shipping or a juvenile pullet for $30+shipping or a juvenile pair for $40+ shipping. Up to 4 batches of any combination per person. These will be offered to be filled in the order payment received, as they come available. This offer is ONLY open until I am able to secure the birds from Renee (or I give up) - so if you want them - this is the time! Post what you want here and send your PP to [email protected] so everybody can see where you are in order - all above board here! If for some reason I am NOT able to expand the flock - know that your orders will be filled from my existing stock. Do note - I am not NPIP at this time but am hoping to get certified in the first half of next year.

Now Arielle is first as she has some pre-existing credit with Renee - who's next?
Hey all - Arielle got me thinking - which is a dangerous thang....

A number of you have expressed interest in getting chicks, eggs etc., might have a bird or three yourselves - and I want to help you keep this going. A while back I mentioned that I have a small breeding flock - moose and 4 hens, couple chicks growing out and more eggs in the bator. With all Renee has going on she's horribly unreliable even tho she's saying she is selling out everything. Well, I'm still in there trying to get with her and one of the things I was going to try to nab was another trio. Last I heard she had 2 trios plus a couple huge boys. Here's what I'm thinking...........

Buying up as many of them from her at this point and consolidating them is going to result in the most diversified flock possible to go forward with. I have the best chance of actually getting that done. I all ready have a decent base breeding flock here.

So, what I am proposing is this........

Offering advance sales at deeply discounted price! The money will be used to buy up all the birds I can from her and expand the gene pool that I can send out to you. Soooo... for a limited time here's the deal I'm offering for consideration:

Normally eggs sell for $9 EACH. I will offer (6) eggs for $20 + shipping at cost OR (3) day old chicks for $30+shipping or a juvenile pullet for $30+shipping or a juvenile pair for $40+ shipping. Up to 4 batches of any combination per person. These will be offered to be filled in the order payment received, as they come available. This offer is ONLY open until I am able to secure the birds from Renee (or I give up) - so if you want them - this is the time! Post what you want here and send your PP to [email protected] so everybody can see where you are in order - all above board here! If for some reason I am NOT able to expand the flock - know that your orders will be filled from my existing stock. Do note - I am not NPIP at this time but am hoping to get certified in the first half of next year.

Now Arielle is first as she has some pre-existing credit with Renee - who's next?
I think I am in for a dozen eggs in but I use broodies to hatch so I don't want or need eggs until I get a girl who will take care of them for me. plus there will be weather concerns at some point in the not so distant future. I am in CA. What exactly do you need me to do? I will be happy to pre-pay then can you send them out when I give you the go ahead?

I may actually have a pair. here are better pics I took today of Reese and my local BYCers so far are saying pullet.

Maybe we can do a swap? Or not, I would leave that to you. I have never shipped eggs before but will use the Wisher/Skyline method when I do.

This is getting exciting. I was so bummed when only 2 of the 18 eggs hatched. I am tickled that the opportunity to add more is out there. Thanks!
Not familiar with the Wisher/Skyline method .....?? But I've usually had really good results with eggs I've shipped on the whole but happy to accommodate requests.

A dozen egg would be (2) batches of 6 @ $20 = $40 Send that to my PP [email protected] to reserve at #2 position. Every time payment received I'll re-post here the "outstanding list" with updates. Shipping charges will be actual cost and those to be paid just prior to actual shipping - that way postal increases, actual services chosen - express, overnight, heat or cold packs etc to best suit conditions at the time can be met. Email to that same address details of what you want, how, shipping instructions etc shipping addy and contact info - phone and all for me to keep in a private file. Allows for last minute flexibility. Arielle is #1, but say I've collected eggs or have hatched chicks earmarked for her and last minute she's getting hit by a blizzard, horrible ice storm or 105 degree heat wave. Say at the same time you at #2 and wanting eggs are enjoying balmy CA weather - I can ring you up, see if you have a broody, room in the bator, etc - RIGHT NOW. and can snag her eggs rather than risk sending them in bad conditions to her and on down the list until someone can.

Like everybody else it seems, right now the poultry is either molting or broody.

Definitely I and I'm sure the rest of the group will want to be doing swaps among ourselves - but right now the focus needs to be on snagging as many of Renee's existing flock ASAP and building a central genetic repository to dispense from. If those with breeding birds now and in future have eggs they want to send me for hatching to add to the gene pool here, that would be great - but return swap would have to be after the pre-paid list has been satisfied or none on it can take what's available at the time. The "LIST" has priority.

Think we should also set up a FB group - maybe a "club" with officers and such at some point. As a breeder's group we can compare notes, discuss, even vote on the "official" direction this project takes as it continues to evolve. I don't know if there is interest is seeking breed status at some point or not but consistency in recognizing birds/flocks is needed or the project will take off in 40 directions and fall apart. Maybe even create a data base with band #s, some pedigree data, pictures - from hatch to maturity, owner info. etc.

Renee's contributions in founding a number of projects is pretty amazing - all credit due, this is one of several I'd like to see continue and it seems a number of you all are wanting and willing to support it - so let's do!
Not familiar with the Wisher/Skyline method .....?? But I've usually had really good results with eggs I've shipped on the whole but happy to accommodate requests.

A dozen egg would be (2) batches of 6 @ $20 = $40 Send that to my PP [email protected] to reserve at #2 position. Every time payment received I'll re-post here the "outstanding list" with updates. Shipping charges will be actual cost and those to be paid just prior to actual shipping - that way postal increases, actual services chosen - express, overnight, heat or cold packs etc to best suit conditions at the time can be met. Email to that same address details of what you want, how, shipping instructions etc shipping addy and contact info - phone and all for me to keep in a private file. Allows for last minute flexibility. Arielle is #1, but say I've collected eggs or have hatched chicks earmarked for her and last minute she's getting hit by a blizzard, horrible ice storm or 105 degree heat wave. Say at the same time you at #2 and wanting eggs are enjoying balmy CA weather - I can ring you up, see if you have a broody, room in the bator, etc - RIGHT NOW. and can snag her eggs rather than risk sending them in bad conditions to her and on down the list until someone can.

Think we should also set up a FB group - maybe a "club" with officers and such at some point. As a breeder's group we can compare notes, discuss, even vote on the "official" direction this project takes as it continues to evolve. I don't know if there is interest is seeking breed status at some point or not but consistency in recognizing birds/flocks is needed or the project will take off in 40 directions and fall apart. Maybe even create a data base with band #s, some pedigree data, pictures - from hatch to maturity, owner info. etc.
Wisher/Skyline is wrapping eggs in bubble wrap putting them in a small box lines with bubble wrap and also padded on all sides with styrofoam peanuts. then put into a larger box also padded on all sides with styrofoam peanuts. There is a thread about it https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/738943/the-great-egg-shipping-experiment

I won't be ready for eggs until next spring at the earliest. I am currently overrun and will be giving any broodies that I decide will get eggs will be getting them from my NH trio for at least two hatches. But I will for sure be back in touch and have subscribed to this thread. If I have my own Konza pair then I will hatch some of their chicks as well so I will let others take their place ahead of me on the list for now.
Tommys gir-- good to have a bit to work with. TOo easy to loose one and then have nothing to hatch. I try to keep 2 males and 2 females minimum of anything. Just food for thought.

When I bought the 25 buckeye chicks, they were from 3 pens, and marked permanently by the breeder. It will be years before I need to add new blood.

As for the Konza I am worried because I have only 2-3 birds. Not a wide genetic base.

I have 2 bresse, again not enough to be valuable, and they are very meatie!! Holy cow!!! Surprisingly heavy to pick up.
yep and the point is if the birds are not bought from Renee NOW - they may not be there to be had later. The deal offered is for the purpose of raising additional $ to purchase more birds to preserve as much stock as possible. You can wait on claiming - but this deeply discounted offer expires .
yep and the point is if the birds are not bought from Renee NOW - they may not be there to be had later. The deal offered is for the purpose of raising additional $ to purchase more birds to preserve as much stock as possible. You can wait on claiming - but this deeply discounted offer expires .
THis is worth repeating.

Eden camp is offering to use these funds to buy up more of Renees birds before they are all gone. We cannot establish healthy breeding flocks based on just two bird. Two birds are only a start . I applaud you efforts EdenCamp!!

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