Have to put 2 horses down tomorrow(update page 2)

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how frustrating founder is and how it can be hell for a horse.
It sounds like you have a good head for making these decisions tho- that too is when I put my 39 (!!!) year old arab down- when he np longer was "one of the herd" and didn;t eat... just stood in the pasture alone acting miserable... it was time to help him over.

These horses were blessed to have you as their last guardian!!

Musch love tomorrow- I too am putting my lab to sleep, cancer-

I know how you feel. We had to have our old mini mare Dixie put down two weeks ago. I felt terrible and I was sick to my stomach all day but her quality of life was gone. She stood in the same place most of the day, was not excited about her food and looked terrible. I could not keep weight on her and with winter right around the corner I knew that it would be mean to ask her to go through another winter like she was. I don't think she would have made it much longer.
You are doing the right thing for them but it is very hard to let go of a good friend.
Thanks for thinking of your horses and not the hurt you are feeling! Its also nice that you can send them over the bridge together.
My thoughts are with you.
Well Its all done as of last night. This is the first time i have had free time all day. My girlfriend just bought a new horse so i went with her to pick it up and stuff.

Yesterday was the first time i cried in so long (being a guy thats hard to admit). I love my horses. I miss them already.

Thank you every one!
Its never easy to be in those boots.
My family will be in your boots in less that two weeks. My husbands very first horse will have to be put down before the ground freezes for the winter.
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