Have you ever noticed how intelligent some animals look?


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Hugging a Chicken
I noticed that today with my dog, Luna.
Its like a look of understanding... knowledge... post any pics of your pets where they look like what I have described.


My dogs sometimes look very intelligent too. It doesn't appear to correlate with actually acting like they are intelligent!

They probably are pretty smart, in terms of "dog brains". (I wonder if that's anything like "dog years"?)
I can't share any pictures because she is past and was also terribly camera shy, but my dog Emma had the same knowing look. Her eyes had a look of aged wisdom. Emma was a rescue, who spent the first two years of her life being beaten, neglected, pregnant at one point, and finally abandoned (twice). When I met her at the shelter, she wasn't in a spacious kennel like the other dogs, but an airline crate. The shelter workers tearfully said she was too terrified to be in the kennels and would shake and stress so badly they were afraid for her. But it didn't help that out of fear she growled at anyone who approached her. We adopted her anyway. And in a matter of months she went to a fearful, anxious dog into the most brilliant, loving, and outgoing dog. She was always quiet though, and would often lay her head on you and look into your eyes. She'd experienced the bad side of life and knew she was home. I wish she was still here, but congestive heart failure took her too young.
Yeah, my cattle dog kind of creeps me out sometimes. Only dog I know who will actually watch birds and planes go by in the sky. She usually uses her intelligence for good, but when there is cheap sandwich bread involved, she uses it for evil. ...And then we find the bag hidden under the couch. Her guilty slinking always gives her away though. XD She'll also peek around the doorway at you to see if you are watching her stalk the bread, and will attempt an attack if you are not looking.

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