Heated Waterer Review / comments

what about this,

took my serama less then 5 min to figure it out, the brass is a nipple
I'd be interested in the bunny one, too. Using an electric water bowl which I like very much, but on severe days you can get a skim of ice on it- not that the hens won't peck it apart and run off with chunks of ice...

Farm Innovators also has one that is square, red, and holds 1.5 gallons. I'll probably get that for our second flock at some point.

I did find a draft in my coop that was over the bowl, where we had drilled through a wall to keep the cord from the birds, and it's plugged now, so I guess that will help. The other thing I like about the bowl is that it dumps into a catch bucket easily and cane we wiped spotless with a rag immegiately and refilled, without getting me cold...it's shown in the winter link below.
It's too bad that couldn't put a threaded plug in the top. I don't have a ton of girls, just two coops with six and eight in each one and I like most are using heated dogs bowls. They only use 25 and 50 watts. Can't imagine using more wattage and expense. I was thinking of using a pvc pipe with it threaded on top but my girls don't use that much water. I don't have to fill them for a couple of days or maybe more. Mine are in the pen and not in the coop so they stay cleaner. Can't imagine them in the coop thou, ikkkkkkk:lol:
Do you think the bunnies might chew on the plastic? Mine just gets water when it's warm and chews on ice otherwise, thats what the wild ones do correct and they do just fine?
I got it at Culter, mail order, the bunny's can't get at the plastic, I've had 0 with out any problems, the one reason i got this is one of the bunny's is over 7yrs and the stress of not having water would not be good, and you do not need to remove the bottle to fill, I take a watering can out to fill, I wish I could find the nipple that is used on this, the chickens like it too
I like my heated dog bowl so well, I bought a second one for the indoor/outdoor cats - sometimes they stay out and since I'm gone 7-9 hours for work that's a long time for them to be outside if EVERYTHING out there is frozen over. It's supposed to be 22*F tonight.

The only complaint I have seen on BYC is that they don't work as great when it's REALLY cold, but that's OK since it never gets THAT cold here in Arkansas
HATE HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that stupid ill made piece of crap that they obviously didnt test very well. ok I think I have that out of my system.. No I hate it....
Every time I went to fill it I ended up dumping all 3 gal of water on my coop floor and ruining all my bedding,
( was doing deep litter method) NOT now....And this last time I dumped it again and it separated as I flipped it and woosh water all over my fresh bedding and me I was soooo POED
(I have had a very rough month) I lost it and threw the stupid thing and busted it into a million pieces, after it already broke beyond repair, stomped in the house and bawled....Man I was ticked beyond belief... here I paid almost $50 for the stupid thing and it was crap. So I ran not walked to Farm and Home after work today and spent the big bucks for the galvanized waterer and heated base.
Hooked it all up and filled it when I got home and YIPPYYY I didnt slosh 3 gal of water all over my coop and as long as it keeps the water from freezing and doesnt cause me to slosh water everywhere it will be well worth the money in price of my sanity
and the dryness of my coop. All $75 and I am suck a cheep skate.....lol
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I've got 5 of those waters, and have had no problems at all, if you fill from the plug like it says it doesn't fall apart, plus 3 gals of water will not ruin deep litter, unless your litter was not deep enough, just remove the wet spot, deep litter is very forgiving

watch those meatal bases they like to burn out quick
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