Help!!! Agressive Roo...big Daddy...DREW BLOOD PIC. ON 3RD PAGE

You need to get out the soup recipe now!!! Don't let him hurt you. Having chickens should not be like this. There are a lot of Roos out there with really good tempraments (sp) that are begging for a good home. Think about all the nice ones going to freezer camp because they have too many brothers. If that thing gets out & hurts a kid it would be terrible.
Have you tried going into the coop early a.m. before they can see really great (thus they aren't moving much yet) and pick him up then and hold him and pet him and basically be a benevolent dictator? When a calm session is done, feed him a few sunflower seeds as a reward. Don't reward when he's really aggressive. Just a thought.
I have had really sweet roos that I give a lot of TLC to and they never take advantage of it. Direct eye contact never a problem either. Lucky, I know, as some just have more of a tendency to be challenging.
Time to make a list

Good reasons to keep big Daddy | Good reasons to get rid of big Daddy

Personally I think life's too short to keep an aggressive roo. You got hurt twice, don't allow a third time to happen.
Have your DH cage him late at night while he's asleep.
Keep him caged until you make your decision. It would be a shame if he took away your enjoyment of having chickens.
"you want some of this, come big daddy" and go after him and just whomp him a bit...well that didnt now its CESARS like I do with the dogs...thats the next step...I dont go in with fear just watch my back...

I don't know about your roo, but I would never give mine this much time to face off. Talking and posturing just invites the same reaction from him, I would think. And whomping "a bit" is probably not real effective either. Don't wait for him to come to you, go to him. Don't run, don't flap, don't yell.

I would try the surprise attack on this ol' roo, when he least expects it and every chance you get when he is near. This is the exact behavior of an alpha roo.....they jump on the other roos just to keep them looking over their shoulders, when they are breeding hens and just for the sheer fun of it!

A rake is too lightweight if it's a leaf rake and too heavy for a good swing if it's a garden rake. You need a good walking stick that's easy to your hand and you need to ambush this fella every chance you get. Yes, you will feel mean and like a bully. So what? At least you won't have lacerations to your person.

Walk by him casually while he is eating and whack his behind a good lick. His feathers will cushion the blow but he will still feel surprised and vulnerable. Don't let him even think of coming near you without a surprise attack in his warning, no yelling, just quiet and quick. Whack!

He's getting a drink? Whack!! Right across the butt and send him running!

He's breeding a hen? Nope. Whack!!! Not allowed....MY hen!

Be consistent. This is no time for picking him up and petting his pretty little head. This is zulu! Wait by the pop door, feed your flock and, when he tries to enter the coop....WHACK across the doorway, right by his face! No warning, no reasoning, no chance to get away. Spend part of each day making his life miserable and reinforce this each time you go in the coop. Now is the time to get serious or get a good recipe for stewed roo.

Trust me, if he has a brain at all, he will duck and run each time you enter his space after this treatment. Reinforce this as necessary.

You asked for a solution.....try it. If this doesn't work, the only solution is to give ol' pretty boy to crockpot heaven.
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I think the picking him up and carrying him around might help.

Use a metal garbage can lid with a handle. When he attacks use the lid like a shield to pin him to the ground without hurting him(I pin them until they give up and just lay there) and then you can grab his legs and pick him up. And while you have him use a rough file to file those spurs so they are dull.

I think most do calm down after their first couple years.
WEll...Im giving him another chance...and he is lucky he has I think since Im an animal lover and cant see harming one, I think Im gonna do what Beekissed said...basically treat him like I do my combative room for play...FIRM...and catching him off guard every moment...

I was wondering if the rake was alittle too light to be hitting him with...its not a real rake its a rake that is almost for a kid, but not, its the smaller rake walmart sells...not a kids but like one...I was afraid to use anything harder for fear I would hurt him bad. So...maybe this coming week I'll have a gumpy roo...who knows....but I will be wearing jeans, rubber boots and long sleeves...not that he cant get to me like that ...but I had shorts on today when he did this.

He is 8mos old maybe its his TEENAGE am a stud show off deal. Thanks to all the wonderful help on this matter, keep checking for an update...
Wow, I know exactly how you feel. We just got rid of 5 roos and kept the calmest. Now he's a holy terror. Attacks without warning. I thought I was doing something wrong, something to upset him. But I let them out the same way, feed them the same way; clean the coop, change the water, check for eggs, all the same way as before. He's about 6 months, so maybe it is hormones. My husband doesn't have nearly the problems I do. Maybe it's a guy thing.

I think I'm gonna need a bigger stick.
I absolutely feel your pain. I was looking at the forum tonight trying to find answers. Have already read the page about holding the rooster. No good. He is so big that when I tried to get him he hit my chest. Luckily he is too young to do much harm. I have a huge and quite beautiful, 7 mo old RIR rooster with just three hens. He hates my guts. I have chased and whopped with a bucket and no change. If anything, he is getting worse. We have doors to the nest boxes where I can retrieve the eggs from the outside. He now runs inside the coop so he can jump into the boxes when I am trying to get the eggs. Attacks the fence when I am standing outside it. Attacks the gate when I am trying to open it to come in and clean/feed. I am an animal lover who does rescue and I hate thinking that I may have to invite this rooster to dinner. My heart breaks as I realize he is just being a rooster but it is to the point I cannot go inside pen without him trying to attack. Another interesting thing about this roo is that one of the three hens will not let him get to her. She also does not lay eggs. She is my buddy and I think this really ticks him off. I'm willing to try just about anything, however, does anyone think this RIR will ever calm down? Right now I am looking at BBQ on Tuesday.....maybe.....we'll see.....such a hard decision!
Good luck to you with your decision and I will be praying about mine.

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