Help!!! Agressive Roo...big Daddy...DREW BLOOD PIC. ON 3RD PAGE

Sorry Ive been gone and busy...Ok update on Big Daddy...he still continues to come after me, after the 2nd time of coming at me, on a 3rd time he has drawn blood again, different when I go into the run, I carry a pvc pipe the size of me almost and I have whomped him a couple of times ...he does run but if I dont have the stick, he continues his games. I really hate to kill him or get rid of him he is gorgeous, but if he is being like this, NOBODY CAN HAVE HIM, HE MIGHT HURT SOMEONE.

I know he is probably protecting his girls, but I really need to do something with him. He is THE ONLY ROO in that run...Yesterday for the very first time, I let me flocks range free, I dont do this as Im scared I wont be able to catch them all to put back. I have four coop/runs. Big Daddys flock has 10, my Buffs/ Fr. Cuckoo maran has 10, my EE run has 10, and then I have 3 in one smaller one. I did let out Big Daddy while my buff roos were out, he didnt stay out long and he ran into his run when he saw other roos....Im wondering if another roo in with him might settle him down?...BUT I WOULD HATE TO HAVE ROOS FIGHTING all the time or worse yet bring out agression in the other roos.

I even thought of Pulling Big Daddy out of that main coop with the girls, and putting him alone...or with another roo alone...Im lost.
I have two BR Roos that are about 21 weeks old. One is a little bigger than the other and appears to be the dominant Roo but is much friendlier to us and the hens.
The other Roo is kinda standoffish and is always jumping the hens real rough like until the bigger Roo runs over there then he just backs down... Until today!! I was over talking to my neighbor watching my chickens that were over hanging out with his pigs. Well his 8yr old daughter is feeding the pigs and my smaller Rooster starts dancing towards her and flogging her (he doesn't have any spurs yet) I was yelling for her to kick it and running over there, she kind of froze up and he was mid flog when I got there and I punted him into the bushes... Now he gets solitary confinement until he's nice and fat and them he's dinner.
I have a wife and 2yr old daughter and I will not have a rooster that will be a danger to either of them or any neighbor kids.
Freezer camp?
Walk tall and carry a big stick.. (and wear chaps)... I had one that would attack at a distance... One word.... Broomstick
Last week, I was in the barn. My blue rooster (see my BYC Page) sang his Swan Song. My wife and I were standing in the aisle, and he flew up trying to reach my FACE. Had it not been for some wire stopping him, he could have put out my eye or done many other possible damages. That was it. I went into his coop, picked him up, carried him out to the garden, wrang his neck, put him in a trash bag, and threw his carcass into the trash. Should have done that two years ago. Never again will I have a rooster that I have to fight with every time I get near him.
2tx I hope you can tame this boy but be becareful.
sometimes it may help for him
to be locked alone for a while
then do what has to be done.
after you see how he behaves.
when you come near.
I am so sorry for your roo trouble.
Personally I would have freezer camped him. I love animals and have a few rescues myself but even mainstream rescues like the Humane Society will euthunize an aggressive animal. I cant tell you what is right or wrong for you. Everyone is different and has different viewpoints, I just hate to see you getting hurt, both in the physical and emotional sense.
Consider these numbers:

In a mixed flock a good ratio is 1:10. And many flocks have no roosters at all. So that means there are job positions available for a mere 10% of all roosters hatched, positions as breeders, pets, and flock husbands. At least 90% of all roosters hatched have their purpose on a plate.

Why would you spend so much time with a rooster like this? I'm sure there are some roo that can be successfully re-trained to be less aggressive, some of these techniques will work with some roosters -- but not all of them. Unless he were the last male chicken on the planet, or had rescued more than one of your children from a burning building, why bother when there are so very many other more mannerly roosters available?

Do yourself and some nice rooster a favor and rescue him from some meat pen, send this guy to the broth jacuzzi.

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