HELP! Baby Chick has a tilted head? Blind eye?


In the Brooder
Oct 8, 2022
Hi! I have a chick that hatched on Sat, 8/12. The little one seems to have a tilted head and walks a little off balance. It looks like it’s eating a bit but can’t run around with it’s siblings and is always alone. How do I help the little one? I feel so bad!! Attached are some picture. HELP PLEASE!


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Can you offer raw yolk, with vitamin e oil squeezed into it, could be a vitamin deficiency
Do you have nutri drench? You can also offer that in her water, but only for a few days, it causes diarrhea.
Can you offer raw yolk, with vitamin e oil squeezed into it, could be a vitamin deficiency
Do you have nutri drench? You can also offer that in her water, but only for a few days, it causes diarrhea.
Thank you for the suggestion! She is looking a bit worse today and is constantly chirping. Do you think I need to isolate her?
Thank you for the suggestion! She is looking a bit worse today and is constantly chirping. Do you think I need to isolate her?
If she's getting pushed around or stepped on I'd try a look but no touch setup. Easier said than done, but you need some kind of divider that gives it full access to warmth, food and water. Example: I have a small open bottomed cage I can set inside another enclosure, like a brooder, where the chicken can see everyone and not be isolated that still prevents trampoling or picking. Isolating them where they can't see or hear flockmates can cause depression in addition to existing issues and (I personally think) can worsen their prognosis.
If she's getting pushed around or stepped on I'd try a look but no touch setup. Easier said than done, but you need some kind of divider that gives it full access to warmth, food and water. Example: I have a small open bottomed cage I can set inside another enclosure, like a brooder, where the chicken can see everyone and not be isolated that still prevents trampoling or picking. Isolating them where they can't see or hear flockmates can cause depression in addition to existing issues and (I personally think) can worsen their prognosis.
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
No problem! Is baby eating and drinking normally and do her poops look normal? Is she hanging out near the heat all the time? Aside from giving vitamins, it's good to check on all the basics in case she needs a little extra support getting her needs met.

Edit: if this is wry neck/stargazing, here's another thread where they give some good advice on the issue.
No problem! Is baby eating and drinking normally and do her poops look normal? Is she hanging out near the heat all the time? Aside from giving vitamins, it's good to check on all the basics in case she needs a little extra support getting her needs met.

Edit: if this is wry neck/stargazing, here's another thread where they give some good advice on the issue.
I saw her hobbling over to eat a few times throughout the day yesterday. Today she is having more mobility issues and it looks like she is not able to get to the food now. She had trouble getting under her mom for warmth last night so I had to intervene and place her under the hen. I’m worried about the next few days when I won’t be able to watch her throughout the day because of work. Hopefully the vitamin e oil and egg yolk you suggest helps her. I’m so worried she won’t make it 😫
I saw her hobbling over to eat a few times throughout the day yesterday. Today she is having more mobility issues and it looks like she is not able to get to the food now. She had trouble getting under her mom for warmth last night so I had to intervene and place her under the hen. I’m worried about the next few days when I won’t be able to watch her throughout the day because of work. Hopefully the vitamin e oil and egg yolk you suggest helps her. I’m so worried she won’t make it 😫
Ohh, they are following a momma hen all day? Hmm. If that is the case, I'd -tentatively- suggest separating sickly baby and a sibling or two for company into a brooder with supplemental heat and constant food/water access. She's unlikely to be successful chasing around once momma really starts foraging until she stabilizes and she won't thrive alone without a friend or two. The issue is reintroducing them once she's healthy isn't guaranteed to be a success and you might just have to do ALL of the raising. Sometimes the supplements take a good while to work (like a couple of weeks depends on severity) if that's definitely her problem.

I don't know what's possible for you, and I understand none of that may be doable so suddenly. But if I were in your shoes I'd be leaning towards just raising this one yourself so you know she is always able to access the essentials while recuperating.

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