Help deciding on new chicks?


5 Years
Jul 30, 2014
I have recently decided to get all new chickens and I am having trouble choosing the breeds because there are so many choices. I have always wanted ameraucanas but im not sure what others to get. I want them for eggs, no roosters. I can only have 6 where I live but I have to have at least 7 to check out on MPC.
I want a variety of egg colors but I want them all to be good layers with large eggs and to have good personality. They have to be good with confinement and with heat since I am in Alabama. Currently I have two ameraucanas, two barred rocks, two golden cuckoo marans, two partridge olive eggers, and an austra white in my cart. I have to narrow them down and im not sure which chicks are best for my situation.
I have recently decided to get all new chickens and I am having trouble choosing the breeds because there are so many choices. I have always wanted ameraucanas but im not sure what others to get. I want them for eggs, no roosters. I can only have 6 where I live but I have to have at least 7 to check out on MPC.
I want a variety of egg colors but I want them all to be good layers with large eggs and to have good personality. They have to be good with confinement and with heat since I am in Alabama. Currently I have two ameraucanas, two barred rocks, two golden cuckoo marans, two partridge olive eggers, and an austra white in my cart. I have to narrow them down and im not sure which chicks are best for my situation.

I can't decide either. I still have months to make up my mind, but I'm really having a hard time deciding if I want a homogeneous flock, or a mix. My main goal is fresh eggs, but if we have to cull I'll eat them too.

I live in MS, so heat/humidity is also a problem here.

I've narrowed it down to a few options.

Buff Orpingtons
Golden Laced Wyandottes

I have experience with buffs, dominiques, RIR, black sex links, but I'm really torn. If I'm honest with myself I'm going to start with one type and just get more anyway.
I think Im going to switch out with marans for welsummers because they are cheaper. anyone know if welsummers lay just as dark eggs as a golden cuckoo maran? I know that black copper marans lay the darkest of the marans so is a welsummer a good sub for the cuckoo?
I ended up ordering four ameraucanas, two barred rocks, and two welsumers. I hope they turn out well because this is my first time ordering online. (I went with ideal since they were closer to me)

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