help dog eatting eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 10, 2009
Danville GA.31017
What can I do the dog is eating my eggs !!!!!!Was not sure it was her till today she tryed to get them out from under the setting hen on the nest.
Ideas please.
Sounds like the tabasco sauce method is ready to be used.

Empty out an egg (make a tiny hole. Swirl a piece of metal inside and let it empty out.

Make a whole mess of these...and see if she'll keep eating the eggs when tabasco and pepper powder is all she gets.
Or, if your dog gets the eggs out of the nest, you could try sprinkling the nest with a good dusting of dried chili peppers. If he's like most dogs, he'll sniff around before he takes the egg, and after one sniff of these dried hot peppers, he won't be back for more! It's like getting pepper sprayed. Very painful, but temporary and not at all harmful. I use this method to keep cats out of my garden, and it works every year!
My grandma had this problem with her dog and she filled the eggs with cheyanne pepper. She eventually broke the habit that way. Good luck because I know how agrevating that can be.

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