Help eggs pipped day 25

Oh my gosh they are adorable
Think mine is my temperature on my incubator only thing is it's only happened with ducks nothing else
no egg wobbling has happened yet

Are you incubating with chicks, or just referencing previous chicken hatches?... I've got 3 muscovys in there, the other 2 were lookin good, but I'm a newbee!! I saw lots of movement in the other 2 just a few days ago, can't see much in the twin. Just the air sac and that kinda empty space in the point. I know they WERE growing right along with the others, now idk.
#3 was fine and I guess it was goo but it looked just like yolk....
All 11that pipped have hatched! The 4 that showed no movement we disected this morning. 1 had made it to the internal pip stage but never the external. 2 never made it to the internal pip and the last one was so breech and twisted that its beak would have NEVER made to pip anywhere.
The last 4 that hatched are still in the incubator and the rest are in the brooder box doing really good. One did have a yolk sack still attached but it was very small so it is almost absorbed. Once the last chick hatched I took all the yucky stuff out and put in a clean towl for them to lay on.
Some in the brooder box still have hard membrane stuck to them and look wet but are dry and crunchy. When is it ok to wash that stuff off and introduce them to water? They have found the drinking water and of coarse love it!
The 2 breech ducklings were stuck in very awkward positions and couldnt move. I helped this morning (all bloodvessels were gone and once I openend it a tad and put in the bator they came right out.
One has a gimpy leg from how distorted it was in the egg.
Is there any way to brace it to straighten it out?

Ok,so I'm a newbie but I red somewhere that an experienced muscovy Hatcher experienced "goo" with hatches, and it's apparently too high humidity during hatching. She recommended basically leaving the incubator at 65% , and only upping if the first to hatch out is having trouble. I know this is a late response, but thought it might be helpful to somebody.

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