Help !!! hatching goose egg !!

Yeh i never bring anything home unless im sure i have the place and time for it i hate to see neglected animals !!

None of the eggs hatched yet but im still waiting !!!
see any movement/ have you been talking to them or whistling ? my flock loves for me to sing to them and I can't carry a tune in a bucket but my geese will join in with me, and whistle well when it's treat time I whistle and shake the can and they all come running, so sometimes when I'm out cleaning I'll whistle next thing I know I am surrounded by the flock they think anytime I whistle it's to bring them in for snacks.

I sure hope you get some babies soon.
No :( i dont hear anything from the eggs no pipping no nothing i hope they're still alive
i was talking to the eggs and i heard one of them talking back to me !!

theres no external pip yet but when i talked to it it talked back !!

my mistake is that i didnt set the eggs at the same time so each one is at a different stage of incubation this egg is on day 31
so its not late and i think the older eggs are probably dead ...
It is exciting hoping to see some goslings soon. how many eggs in there and how many moving and talking? that means internal pip so don't open the bator ,now do you think any of the other eggs are rotten? then you may have to open fast and start removing them. Hopefully psue will be on today and can give direction.
I can only hear this one the older eggs are not moving/talking the younger ones need more time i have about 12 eggs
I would candle as long as there is no ext. pips.... you can get away with it, they wont shrink wrap until after they ext. pip. if you have any that are not alive then you need to get them out of there. Good Luck!!

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