HELP!!! Intestines (?) is coming out from butt!!

OK, I cleaned her up and put sugar on. I moist her butt a little more so sugar stick more than "salt on french fries".
Do you know how often I should do???
Give it an hour or two, the sugar should shrink the tissues in that time.

The real problem is that hens who do this once, tend to do it again. Keep an eye on her and let us know how she does.
So sorry about your hen. I had this to happen to one of my production girls. I Cleaned her, sanitized with Iodine shampoo, gently pushed the tissue back where it belonged then slathered the area with generic brand Prep H. Worked like a charm and she has not had anymore problems. Good luck
You should definitely feed her scratch or a low protein feed. Try to force her into a moult (to stop laying). That's her only chance to fully recover.
A dark room and a quiet box might help — hens need a certain amount of light to keep laying.
Keep checking, keep putting the prolapse back if it comes out again. I'm not sure if she can be cured for good, but fingers crossed for you.
I know it is a long thread, but, completely worth the read. Yes, I put a kennel in the hen house so she could still see and hear, but, covered most of it with a blanket and only fed scratch...the first egg made her reprolapse and then she stopped producing while in "exile" is definately helpful.

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