HELP!!! Intestines (?) is coming out from butt!!

we had this happen to our Little Red Hen 5 years ago - and the home treatments with sugar did not work, she ended up having surgery, the vet wasn't even sure what he removed and we were told she wouldn't likely lay eggs, but she did form eggs and twice had to have them removed by a vet (she has been an expensive hen!). It sounds like you have been successful, I tell you this only because our Little Red Hen is VERY little, even for a banty and I suspect that her body is just not designed for egg laying, the eggs that were removed from her the vet said would never have come out on their own as they were two large. She is not feeling well right now and may be forming an egg - it is wait and see, this happens every spring, fortunately she doesn't lay eggs very often, probably only 6 in her life! She would be considered a 'runt' by farm standards and would not have survived thus far - but we are glad she has, she has a lot of personality!

Good luck, I hope this was a one time incident with your little hen.
I gave her second warm bath and Prep H for today. Nothing changed. But I don't see much blood when she poop, so that's good sign???
Hard poop stuck to her butt but not sure I should wipe harder to get it off....
Soaked a lot but couldn't take poop off...
ideally, like talked about in the thread, you should carefully clip away the feathers close to the vent to keep the area as clean as possible to reduce infection. Be careful, but, get them down as much as possible and that will cut out the poo too....
I did 3rd warm bath and prep H for today.
The poop stuck to her butt is soooo hard.
I did longer bath but couldn't take it off.
I was worry that if I pull hard, it might hurt her....
I clipped feathers but don't know if it's enough...
Is she feel something when I clip feathers??? I hope not....

While I was drying her with hair dryer, she just closed her eyes and looked very relax on my lap. That was very peaceful and happy moment.
get very sharp, precise scissors and someone to help you...get as close without cutting really helps. I cleared probably 2 inches down at least...again...carefully, but you can do it with help. No, those feathers right there will not hurt her when clipped as long as you don't use dull scissors that pull instead of cut or if you snip her....
Just gave her first treatment and bath for today.
Seems cleaner and bit smaller than yesterday. I hope it's not just in my mind.
But when I put her back in the cage, she made egg laying sound...
Oh no!!! Please no egg!!!

My in laws have farm and they know farm vet.
So my husband called and guess what he said!!!
"Either keep treating her like that, or dispose it. It's just a chicken"

Yes, I will keep treating her best I can!
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Now she is trying to lay egg again...
I can see the egg, but she can't push it.
Now egg is turned side way and more hard time to push it.
Don't know what to do!
Is the egg hanging outside the body with the prolapse? I had this happen and I had to gently and carefully slide egg out of the prolapse (make sure your hands are very clean or you use latex gloves to be careful of infection)....repeat a treatment and keep her in the dark (mostly dark) in a covered crate with water and crushed corn to stop the egg production
No, egg is not outside of her body. When she pushes, it will come out but covered with intestines but when she stop pushing, it goes back to her body.
It is most likely not intestines, but, the sac in which the egg is normally formed and passed out of the body, but, in this case, it is prolapsing so it is still wrapped around the egg and being pushed outside (or trying). More than likely, you will have to assist with helping it out of the surrounding tissue, BUT, do not break the egg inside the bird. Mine actually was hanging out of the body in the "sac" and I had to push it through the opening as she obviously couldn't.

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