question prolapsed vent or anus blood everywhere


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Georgia, VT
We just went out to the hen house and there was a large pile of blood. My hen was bleeding from her vent....there was a golfball sized mass of bloody tissue hanging out. I don't want to lose another hen. Is there anything that can be done? I have read the honey comment...also, an antibiotic was recommended...could I use the duramycin again that they just had because one had a respiratory infection >? or another kind? can they be saved?
I have read on the forum that hemorrhoid cream helps, but I don't know for sure with bleeding and all.
Hope you get an answer.
Bring her in and clean her up. I'd soak her bum in the sink for 10 minutes or so and then dry her off and put prep-h on/around the vent. If you don't have any prep-h you can use reg. sugar (don't know why, but it draws the tissue back in too) When you have her all doctored up put her in a dog crate (or?) where she can stay warm and isolated. You don't want her out with the other chickens because they'll eat her alive. Keep the area that you have her in fairly dark, hopefully that will keep her from laying for a few days. Make sure she has access to food and water. Good luck.

For more info. do a search on prolapsed vent.
My last prolapsed vent was assisted into bloodyness by her friends pecking at it. So, even if you get it back inside with prep H and sugar, it could be a very open internal wound.

Yes, try antibiotic, so at least the "bugs" are kept at bay.
She made it through the night. I thought she might have lost too much blood, but she is a tough chicken. I have tried the cleaning and honey thing twice. This am I think I will try the sugar. I put her in a big crate and gave her some antibiotics in her water along with some cider vinegar. She seemed ok this morning. I also put oyster chips in her grain as someone had mentioned that in a quite lengthy post on one of the other threads. She does not seem to be in any pain when I push it back in, which blows my mind, but it comes back out. She is pooping just fine, but a size a little bit smaller than a golfball is still protruding with blood hanging from it. It appears though that she has stopped bleeding as there was no blood around the crate from last night. It was very cold her last night (27) and so I put the red light on over her crate to keep her nice and warm. We dont really have the ability to bring her would be too stressful I think anyway. She is NOT happy with the "solitary" confinement, but, that is what will keep her safe. Any other suggestions? Should I give up hope that it has not gone in or have others had it go in after a couple of days? She does not seem to be in pain as I stated above and so I will let her continue to heal. Chickens are so funny because they are so tough and yet their bodies can also be so tempermental....if she were in pain, would she scream?
Just keep it clean and repeat the sugar and/or prep-h thing a couple of times a day. If the sugar doesn't work try prep-h before you give up and by all means keep applying the topical antibiotic. Sometimes they respond very quickly to treatment and other times it can take several days. If she doesn't get better after a few days you may have to cull her or a vet may be able to stitch the prolapse in if you want to go that route. Best of luck with her, sounds like you're doing a good job.
day 3 and still not going back in. I was actually hopeful yesterday when I put on the preparation H because it fell back out, but about half the size. This morning, though, it was the same size. I rinse it with antibacterial water, blot dry and take off anything that I see that could be infectious. I put on antibiotic cream, put on the prep H...wait...then, I gently push back in and hold there for awhile. I put her back into her covered dog crate and she has antibiotic water and corn with a little grain and oyster chips. Tonight we came home and it was hanging out and giant! I realized that there was an egg in there. I was able to GENTLY squeeze out the egg and repeated the process. She seemed tired tonight, but, it was past dark and she was already "resting" so I don't know if that is it or if I will have lost her by morning. The kids gave her an extra pet just in case. SO SAD. I know it is just a "chicken" but, you get attached to certain ones especially and it is a pet. I hope she makes it. I want her to be a success story. It started on Wednesday and today is Friday.
Do you remember in All Creatures Great and Small... James Herriot pushed a cow's uterus back in and held it inside with a wine bottle filled with warm water. Is it possible to push it back with a warm round smallish stone? Would it stay for a while or have the attaching ligaments torn. I suppose so. Just a thought. Her eggs will keep pushing it back out.

I have nothing to add, but DON'T GIVE UP!
Well, maybe one little thing-- Can you cover her cage so she gets VERY LITTLE light? That might stop her from laying and therefore give her a chance to heal.


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