Help me find dog breeds

Sometimes I wonder if people really know what they're asking for. Are you wanting this as a family pet/guard dog? I don't know that a high liability dog is what I'd recommend for a family setting. Most people want a dog that will deter criminals. A big barking lab is enough to do that without the likelihood of an actual bite that could end you up in court if they bite the wrong person. Are you looking for multiple dogs? One to act as a herding dog and one as a guard dog? Are you really looking for a dog that will bite people that come into your property? Do you have family and friends or children visit frequently. There are so so so many factors here.
You want him or her to bite when threatened right? But a lot of dogs won’t even do that. There’s a lot of videos testing that where they have someone break in and everyone thinks their dog will attack and most just run away. Even with someone in their home.
Thats the sort of dog I don’t want, ones which will run away
And that's the issue here; it takes having the right dog, with the right training, and still it's an individual who may react differently, depending on circumstances.
A dog who barks and looks impressive is good, but depending on actual biting behaviors will often turn into a real liability, when that dog bites the wrong person at the wrong time.
There's a big difference between a dog trained to attack on command, a very special animal with very specific training, and one who will retreat on command, and a dog who will react depending on circumstances.
And, as pack leaders, if a family member invites a person into the house, it's the dog's job to be polite to that person!
And the better socialized that dog is, the more likely it is to make good decisions in difficult situations, and look for direction from the owner/ pack leader.
Otherwise, unless you live on a deserted island, things won't go well.
Sometimes I wonder if people really know what they're asking for. Are you wanting this as a family pet/guard dog? I don't know that a high liability dog is what I'd recommend for a family setting. Most people want a dog that will deter criminals. A big barking lab is enough to do that without the likelihood of an actual bite that could end you up in court if they bite the wrong person. Are you looking for multiple dogs? One to act as a herding dog and one as a guard dog? Are you really looking for a dog that will bite people that come into your property? Do you have family and friends or children visit frequently. There are so so so many factors here.
I want it as a family guard dog Not what most people would call a pet, it will probably stay in the house bit that depends on a lot of things. We will be out in the country side and I would put up beware of the dog signs up. Probably two dogs unless we find one who can do both but I doubt we will. I am looking for a dog who will bite if things go pear shaped not a dog who will run away from burglars or ones who will just be happy they have a new friend to play with. We don’t have many children or visitors special not children, the dog would be kept away from vistors if we have any if it does not like them, it would never be left unsupervised with children and probably never be allowed around children.
And that's the issue here; it takes having the right dog, with the right training, and still it's an individual who may react differently, depending on circumstances.
A dog who barks and looks impressive is good, but depending on actual biting behaviors will often turn into a real liability, when that dog bites the wrong person at the wrong time.
There's a big difference between a dog trained to attack on command, a very special animal with very specific training, and one who will retreat on command, and a dog who will react depending on circumstances.
And, as pack leaders, if a family member invites a person into the house, it's the dog's job to be polite to that person!
And the better socialized that dog is, the more likely it is to make good decisions in difficult situations, and look for direction from the owner/ pack leader.
Otherwise, unless you live on a deserted island, things won't go well.
what sort of training do they need?
This is the training I don’t think I need

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