Where did you get the ducklings from? Is it possible to get a third in case this one doesn't make it - you don't want to have a solo duck, they definitely need duck company.
When you go to the top of BYC and it says FORUM, scroll down and there is a category for emergencies/injuries/illness. Just post the photo there and give a short update. Is an avian vet a possibility? I think everyone here is trying to help you. Ducks do come with a lot of challenges and this likely won't be the first one you encounter. Jumbo pekins are probably prone to more leg issues than other small ducks. Do you know friends that have ducks that might help you?
Also, as someone mentioned, your brooder is very small. Do you have a plan for the next step? They grow incredibly fast and will need room to move around. I use a small wading pool with towels in the bottom - a lot of laundry but good for traction. I switch to a larger wading pool when they get big. Do you have a good set up for them to safely transition outside?
Ducklings will need 10mg of niacin a day. More if they are deficient. It will take not days but weeks for a duckling/duck to recover from niacin deficiency.
The swollen leg makes me think this isn't necessarily a niacin deficiency. Nevertheless you should be giving them extra niacin and the liquid vitamin B complex Miss Lydia posted a photo of is the best thing and will help strengthen the leg no matter what. This may be a slipped tendon or something else. If you could get a really clear photo of both legs/feet next time you remove the hobbles (which looked great by the way) that would be great. Also, an avian vet could probably look at it and figure out what to do.

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