Help on chicken treats

First of all, chicks don't NEED treats. A complete starter ration is the best way to go. While they will eat most of what has been suggested if chopped up finely enough, all but the mealworms and frogs will lower the overall crude protein percentage and be a negative in nutrition rather than a plus.

Good sensible husbandry expressed here. Free ranged birds do not need treats, and penned birds should receive minimal treats - as they may cause an imbalance in nutrition.
i'll give them things on the side along with their main feed..

also was thinking of giving them organic scratch.. but i scratched that idea..

it's 115-117 for this week.. so.. might not be a good ideal

so cold watermelons might be more ideal
Treats are useful for luring free rangers into their pen early, sometimes I need them to go in and frankly they aren't going to come in for their layer pellets. Mine love scrambled eggs! (we have more eggs than we can eat) They love wild bird seed too. I had some hulled sunflower seeds to use up and it turns out they love those too.
Absolutely anything slow enough for the chickens to catch it bird feed. As well as any and all vegetable parts as those go to the compost and that's where the chickens go for breakfast.

As for baby chicks it's a bit more labor intensive. They get dark green stuff with a few meat scraps ran through a rough chop. I have almost 60 birds and all are very healthy and hardy birds.
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What's the best way to present treats to them? My 4 week old's seem to turn their beaks up at anything I offer in my hand. They like to peck my fingers though!
I got mealworms from Sunshine Acres and my chickens went nuts over them. I've got more on order now

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