HELP! One of my 3 day old chicks can't poop!

I know nothing about this, but i wish you luck. I think I would keep doing what you are doing and give the fella a chance to make it. Hope everything works out well
AWEE the poor little thing, I have heard using oatmeal is good if you have pasty poop because it tends to get it solid again. But if he is bound up inside, I don't think that is a good idea right now. I have heard people actually feeding there chicks olive oil for bounded up but honestly I have never tried it because I have never been in that situation. I do hope you keep working with him though... keep us posted.
Ok, I PM'd a Araucana breeder. The Araucana is a rumpless bird...meaning no tails. They can have problems with too short of backs. They can be built improperly with not enough room on the inside to process waste. I didn't know this....She said to cull.
I already culled one yesterday he was trying to poop and screaming in was VERY difficult but I feel I did what was best for him. The other one was still eating here and there so I left him alone. She said to cull that one also....I am going to follow her advice and end his suffering! I thank everyone for the support and advice. I feel I have done everything I can for him.....I gotta do what is best for him, not me. I can't let him suffer anymore.
I am so sorry but if the little fellow was suffering it is the better choice. Your brave, I could have never done it.

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