Help us keep our chickies??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
We have a few sweet little chickies that we picked up this week. It truly didn't even occur to me to check into ordinances until I found BYC while searching for coop-building ideas. Whoops!!

Reading a few threads, I guess I'm one of those folks that many of you "can't believe they didn't check the ordinances first." Hey, cut a newbie a break, hehe. It just simply didn't even enter my mind as something I would need to do.
But I digress...

I called city hall today and a woman looked up the ordinance and read it to me. No chickens allowed. gulp. Sooo... I looked up the exact ordinances because I wanted to read it for myself. I discovered that I can obtain a "conditional use permit." I need to contact the "zoning administrator." My ignorance is fading; woohoo!

My question is... what is the best way to contact this person in order to get the result that I want? A phone call? An email? An invitation to lunch, my treat?
j/k on that last one. sort of.

Any words of advice on anything that I first need to gather, or can anyone give me an idea of what I can expect? Any helpful thoughts or advice? I'd appreciate it! I want to do this the right way, and as much as it would break my heart, we just won't keep the chickies if it's breaking the law.

UPDATE: 4-5-11

Well, I called city planning and they explained the process for obtaining a conditional use permit (C.U.P.). It involves an application, a site plan, an inspection by animal control, and a public hearing. That's all the good news.. that it can be done! The bad news... the C.U.P. costs $1150!! So it appears that some brainstorming is in order. Our family budget certainly doesn't allow for us to spend $1150 at the drop of a hat. So we need to raise the funds somehow. My hubby and I are up for the challenge! Any ideas or inspirational words for us??
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Does anyone have any words of advice for me? I'm feeling more than a bit discouraged today.
:hugs that is a lot of money do you think you could see if any one else has chickens and maybe work on changing the ordinance it self. I know there are few threads on here that people have changed the city code. Good luck.
Bake sale, lemonade stand, garage/yard sale, changing the ordinance sounds like a great idea! You may not be the only one in your area that is in this same predicament. It may or may not be possible so I'd start saving too! Hey if you get it changed you could have the $$$ left over for a nice vacation
or the coop mansion you always wanted to build

Wishing you good luck
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It helps a lot!

Alright, I think what we're going to do is pursue the permit for now, but also look into changing the ordinance. I'm not really sure how I would go about finding out if anyone else in my city has chickens, but I suppose I'll start with the location threads here on BYC.

I guess I just need to put on my big girl panties, so to speak, and see what we can do.
It's not the coop that's cosing that much, it's the C.U.P. (conditional use permit).
I was floored when they told me the cost! I guess they want to really deter a person!
Can you chat face to face with someone? It sounds like the laws are for large operations, not backyard hens. See if there is a grandfather clause that allows personal pets/family chickens. That sounds like a LOT of money for a few hens.

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