Help with finding the right food for dogs LONG

Cut all the obese dog's kibble back by 1/2 of the total and the overweight dogs back by 1/3 and bulk it out with pumpkin (plain, not pie filling) or green beans or other low calorie vegis they will eat. They don't need rice of any kind if they are on a diet.

Of course they act starving all the time - they are dogs! Don't believe it. More than likely they are working you and are just really good beggars!

2 and 1/2 cups per day for a beagle is TOO MUCH. I have a 12 year old 50lb AmStaff at home that only gets 1 1/2 cups and maintains her weight just fine although I do understand dogs are different.
But if you have a very very active beagle and it is still overweight then you must be overfeeding.

California Natural is a good less expensive food that has a fish and sweet potato blend that is good for dogs that may have food allergies. If you can afford Wellness or Taste of the Wild I would go with those but California Natural will certainly fit the bill.

You might get the lab's thyroid checked if she is losing hair and is fat. She may need salmon oil or other oil added to her food to maintain a good coat.
This is my preference:

Slightly higher than the price you gave, but free shipping, and in the end it costs less because you feed less. My 60 lb. lab mix gets less than 2 cups, with a spoonful of something mixed in for flavor, and has maintained her weight for a couple of years. I buy their cat food, too.
Are you feeding Nutro Max or Nutro Natural Choice? I wouldn't recommend either particularly, but Natural Choice is a better food. Max isn't much better than Pedigree.

The dogs' weight has more to do with how much you are feeding them than what you are feeding them. With any food the directions on the bag are only a guideline, and you need to keep an eye on your dog's weight. It sounds like they are being overfed, we have a lunatic hyper Labrador mutt and she can't eat more than 3 cups a day or she'll get huge. The Bloodhound only gets 4 cups, and she's over 100lbs.

The coat/yeast problems are food related, and it is cheaper in the long run (as well as more pleasant for the dog) to feed good food and pay the vet less.
I have tried almost every dog food on the market. Both pet store and supermarket. right now I'm on my last bag of Natural choice, with rice and lamb. My problem is THEY DON'T LIKE ANY OF IT, so I throw most of it out to the chickens, (which won't eat it either most of the time) I have tried pouring Oil,(olive, corn, canola) they still won't eat it untill it reaches the point they have gone without for for a couple days, then they nibble at it. so sorry to say it's back to Old roy for My Pitt, she will eat that, and Alpo for the Yorkie, he will eat that if he has to.I have even bought chickenquarters, boiled them to nothing and added rice. sometimes they eat that, Vet says both are healthy, and will eat when they get hungry.My Pitt is 10 years old, my yorkie probably about 6.Every dog is different, Just like people, what one likes another won't eat. So, start at the top of the dog food list and work down until you find somethey will eat. GOOD LUCK marrie
Food amounts are not equatable between many brands...especially if you are comparing something lower quality, which I would consider Pedigree, to any higher quality brands. Pedigree may call for a beagle sized dog to eat 3 cups of food......

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