Help with finding the right food for dogs LONG

The point is if the bag says three cups of that particular food, and the dog is fat, the dog does not need three cups of that food. Just as humans have very different metabolisms, so do dogs.
I understand that.....Its just the way people are posting "3 cups is way too much for a beagle".....well with that food it may not be for a beagle with normal metabolism...but it might be with a different food. A lot of people switch foods and feed the same amount and end up with dogs that gain or lose weight. You have to read the packaging and then go from there with your individual dog.
NOpe, I feed pedigree - small crunchy bites version. I have a 50 lb boxer mix - highly active!!! who only gets 3 cups per day. Our 60 lb chow mix much older and slower gets 2 cups a day per bag instructions. Heck, my rotti who's almost 100 lbs and med active only gets 4 cups. My dogs do get fed twice a day so that amount is split in half. ie rotti 2 c am 2 c pm.

To the OP, if you want to cut weight and maintain a similar nutritional content and price range, I would recommend Purina One(gasp!) lamb and rice. You must be very diligent and only feed the bag's recommended amount per the weight the dogs are SUPPOSED to be.

When my rotti, got a bit chunky, I switched (it was the only other food that didn't make her violently ill, long story) but she trimmed down nicely and you WILL feed less and have less waste if you feed it according to the chart on the bag.
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thank you all for the replies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the amounts I am going by the back of the bag. I just added the 1/2 c. recently because they were still hungry and still was not losing weight anyway. Sounds like I have to just find a brand that will work with them and MY pocketbook, lol

I do save my leftover veggies and meat (I do not add butter or seasoning to veggies when cooking) and then when I have enough it goes in with their food. They love it.

Here is a thought, hope I was thinking right, lol
I purchase a bag of Nutro for $45 for a 30 lb. bag. Thats about $1.50 a lb.
Now if I should find ground beef (70%) in the ball park of $1.50 then add good amount of string beans, carrots, maybe pumpkin and brown rice some other good veggies. This a meal? I know I am missing some other ingredients but, Am I on the right track? Would you cook the gr. beef? If so pour the fat on the food?

There is a TSC down the road from me, see what they have to offer and compare prices with Petsmart. I do like Petsmart!

Who would thought finding food for strays would be so hard, lol We always had animals when I was a kid so I am not new to this. It really makes you wonder what they are putting in the food now a days
Like it was stated about the recalls. (just shaking my head here)

thank you again, all of you are being a great help.
We had a dog with problems like your beagle. Losing hair every time you touched her. Yeast and constant ear infections. We got Diamond dog food. It worked wonders. She sheds less and her weight is good. I don't know what others think, but we went from Kibbles N Bits to this with great improvement.
tractor supply carries taste of the wild...I would just get that and not bother with anything else...unless you wanted to give them some raw stuff. I would be careful with hamburger, as ground meat is going to be the most likely to cause problems. I wouldn't give any rice or other grain.

Also...most dogs are ALWAYS going to act hungry...they are opportunistic animals and will eat when food is if they know begging for food makes it available...they're going to beg for food. If you must give them something b/c they're acting could give them raw can get raw marrow bones at a lot of grocery stores very cheap.
We give ours raw carrots to chew on, they absolutely love them and very few calories. Obviously with a dog with a sensitive stomach you'd want to proceed with caution though.
I researched high and low trying to find a good dog food for my rottie without paying $45 bucks and up a bag. I've been feeding Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul, adult formula for about a year now. It has no corn or wheat and he has been doing great on it, he looks fabulous and his coat just gleams. A 35lb bag costs about $33.00.
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We have had great luck with a brand of food called Pizazz. It is sold at our local farmers coop stores. Since we started feeding it to our 8 yo beagle/lab mix three years ago her coat has improved and she poops a lot less. Also has lost a little weight and has more energy. (Not sure that more energy was a plus in her case, but she seems happier, lol!)

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